Pope Francis, born as Jorge Mario Bergoglio, was hospitalized once again. Let’s take a look at why the pontiff needed medical intervention.

Papa Francis

Early Life and Family

Pope Francis was born on December 17, 1936, in the neighborhood of Flores in Buenos Aires. He was the eldest of five children. His father, Mario José Bergoglio, was an Italian immigrant accountant, and his mother, Regina María Sívori, was a housewife with northern Italian roots.

Medical Check-Up

Pope Francis was taken to a hospital in Rome for a check-up due to suffering from the flu. As a result, the 87-year-old pontiff had to delegate a counselor to deliver his Wednesday audience speech on his behalf.

Health Condition

Currently, Pope Francis is not in the best health condition. He had to cancel some of his scheduled meetings and events, but there is no cause for alarm. The Vatican assures us that he is only dealing with a mild case of the flu. Despite this, he still addressed the crowd in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday as usual.

Wednesday Audience

During Wednesday’s audience, Pope Francis announced that someone else would read his speech on envy and pride, two of the seven deadly sins, as he is still feeling a little bit sick. He greeted the faithful and made appeals for peace, discussing conflicts in Ukraine, Israel, and the Palestinian territories, as well as recent attacks on a Catholic church and a mosque in Burkina Faso.

Hospital Visit

After the general audience, Pope Francis went to Gemelli Hospital for a few tests before returning to the Vatican.