Neil Diamond

Neil Diamond, the legendary singer-songwriter known for his timeless hits like “Sweet Caroline” and “Cracklin’ Rosie,” has captured the hearts of music lovers around the world. However, his remarkable concert touring career came to a halt in 2018 when he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease at the age of 82. In a recent interview with CBS Sunday Morning, Diamond opened up about his journey towards acceptance and finding peace amidst the challenges.

The Denial and Acceptance

Upon receiving his diagnosis, Diamond admitted to being in denial for the first year or two. He shared that he wasn’t initially ready to accept the reality of his condition. When the doctor broke the news to him, Diamond responded, “Oh, okay. I’ll see you, you know, whenever you wanna see me. But I have work to do, so I’ll see you later.” It took time for him to fully process and come to terms with Parkinson’s.


Letting Go of the Stage

In 2017, Diamond embarked on his 50th Anniversary tour across the United States and Europe. However, he made the difficult decision to cancel the Australia and New Zealand leg of the tour in 2018 due to the challenges posed by Parkinson’s. In a press release, Diamond expressed his reluctance and disappointment in retiring from concert touring after five decades of bringing joy to his fans.

Neil Diamond tour

Acceptance and Peace

Letting go of his beloved touring career was undoubtedly an arduous process for Diamond. It required time and tremendous effort for him to fully accept his diagnosis and embrace retirement. However, in a recent revelation, he shared that “in the last few weeks,” he has finally found peace and tranquility within himself.

“I find that I like myself better. I’m easier on people, I’m easier on myself,” Diamond confessed during the interview. While acknowledging the initial hurricane that Parkinson’s brought into his life, he expressed gratitude for the newfound calm that has settled within him. It is a serenity reminiscent of the recording studio where he has spent countless hours crafting his iconic music.

Neil Diamond studio

A Lasting Legacy

Although Neil Diamond is retired from live performances, his music continues to resonate with fans worldwide. In fact, a biographical stage musical titled A Beautiful Noise is currently captivating audiences on Broadway. Diamond himself described the musical as “absolutely wonderful” and “a dream come true.” His legacy lives on through the power of his songs, which will continue to inspire and uplift generations to come.

As we bid farewell to Neil Diamond, we celebrate his resilience, acceptance, and unwavering spirit. Through the challenges of Parkinson’s, he has found a sense of peace within himself. And while he may no longer perform on stage, his voice will forever echo in our hearts.