At the age of 18, I was fortunate enough to receive a two-story apartment building from my father. Realizing the potential, I decided to rent out the ground floor while I lived on the second floor.

It was a great way to generate passive income, considering its location an hour away from the city. I charged a fair amount of $500 per month, which was lower than what modern apartments in the area would cost.

Three months into dating, I invited my boyfriend to move in with me. In a situation where he was facing housing issues, I thought it would be the perfect solution. However, I never mentioned that I was the landlord of the building. He lived with me for another three months, completely unaware of the arrangement.

One day, while I was talking to the tenant about a broken freezer, my boyfriend overheard the conversation. When I disclosed that I would be paying for a replacement because I was the landlord, he exploded. He was furious that I had kept this information from him and accused me of being deceitful. He even went as far as demanding 50% of the rent as if he was entitled to it.

I was taken aback by his reaction and attempts to guilt-trip me. After a while, I decided to break up with him, realizing that his behavior was unreasonable. I asked my dad to accompany me when I talked to my now ex-boyfriend, just to have some support. During our conversation, he continued to demand an apology and questioned why I didn’t want to share my income with him.

I challenged his hypocrisy, asking why he would want money from someone he believed to be a terrible landlord. I even suggested donating the 50% to charity for housing, which he shot down. The situation escalated, with him calling me selfish and threatening to expose me to our friends. It was clear that there was no future for us.

With my dad’s presence, my ex-boyfriend stormed off and vowed never to see us again. I reached out to the Reddit community to share my experience, and many users sided with me. Some even recommended changing my locks to ensure my safety and security, regardless of whether my ex-boyfriend returned the keys.

In the end, I learned a valuable lesson about the importance of trust and transparency in a relationship. It’s vital to be upfront about significant aspects of our lives, even if we don’t initially think they’re a big deal.