According to Lindsay Donnelly, she showed her husband what it would look like if she stopped doing anything around the house in a humorous episode that went viral.

The TikTok mom responds to her husband’s comment about cleaning by saying, “Mommy’s not doing any housework.”

After her husband made a snide remark about how she doesn’t clean the house, a mother of two from Connecticut decided to take action.

The cleaning of their home was put on hold, according to Lindsay Donnelly, 33, because of her husband Brian’s “totally spontaneous” complaint.

It wasn’t an ongoing struggle. She notes that the debate is about “keeping a house clean with two working parents and two little kids on a daily basis.”

The family has a 4-year-old and a 7-year-old, so the house isn’t always spotless. So when Brian said that his wife “never” cleaned up after herself, she decided to show him what it would look like.

Donnelly initially went on a “strike” to make a point, but she soon realized the humor in the situation.

She went out with her girlfriends the evening before she filmed the TikTok, and she recalled: “I was telling them how I was literally doing nothing around the house, and we were all kind of laughing about it.”

“Then, the next day, as I was getting ready to leave for a girl’s trip, I thought, ‘I’m really just gonna leave the house like this.’ Until I discovered that this was genuinely funny.”

Because they were too busy being kids, Donnelly’s kids missed most of the mess, but her daughter witnessed her mother make a bed.

I always make the beds, and my daughter was in the room that morning, so I was a little aggravated with my husband. It’s a habit that I have. She was in there with me as I made the bed. I paused, uttered, “You know what?” and made the bed.

And after that, she asked, “What are you doing?” I proclaimed, “Mommy isn’t doing any housework.”

Her husband was unaware as the video grew popular and mothers around connected.

“I don’t know whether he even knew till I informed him,” she chuckles. He was just annoyed by the mess in the house.”

Later, Donnelly uploaded a video in which she jokes that “more to that video” and describes how the viral nature of her and her husband’s domestic quarrel.

“I was astonished that he hadn’t heard from any of his buddies by then. But his friends started screenshotting and commenting throughout the course of the following week,” she laughed.

I’ll be writing more on this, I promise. Brian and I get along so well and can both be silly even when we’re not feeling our best, in my opinion, is advantageous. It’s realistic while yet being humorous,” she adds. I truly hope to produce more engaging content that engages people without making them think that my partner and I ought to get a divorce.

Donnelly is encouraged to share more on social media about her life in reaction to those critical remarks because she is aware of the landscape as a professional content creator with other moms for Show Up Authentic. She thinks the greatest line of action is to disseminate more positivity.

It makes me sad because, you know, the internet ought to be a place where we can be open and honest with one another without fear of being judged, harassed, or having someone shove their opinions down our throats. And I’m really, really excited about learning how we can make it a safer atmosphere,” she says.

The speaker stated, “Some people were making jokes, but I think some people took it to a mean place, and I just worry for like our kids and our future if grown adults are acting that way when they comment on people’s content.” So how can we expect our children to behave? It was challenging for me.