Kathi felt sick to her stomach. Her daughter’s relationship was deteriorating, doctors would not treat her, and she was depressed.

She ultimately admitted defeat. If no one else could help her, she would. But she hadn’t expected this.

When she heard the doorbell ring, Kathi attempted to stand, leaned over, and coughed uncontrollably. She got up from the couch and grabbed her walking stick.

As she stumbled to the door, her cane scraped and pounded across the wooden floor.

The builders had arrived. When they went upstairs to finish the task, she returned to her usual spot on the couch. She closed her eyes, hoping that a nap might relieve her aches. Then she heard them call her name.

Kathi Wilson, a typical 41-year-old lady, lived in Shelbyville, Indiana. She had worked very hard to assist her family. She wasn’t a CrossFit enthusiast, but she did live an active lifestyle.

When she became ill suddenly ten years ago, she convinced herself that she was simply fatigued from stress and work. Her daughter’s fear, on the other hand, was understandable.

Kathi ingested a cocktail of vitamins and over-the-counter drugs in an attempt to feel better. She tried iron, zinc, vitamins B, C, and E, among others, but nothing seemed to help.

After a few weeks, her daughter, Ashely, forced her to go to the doctor. However, the doctor had just confirmed what she already suspected, and she had been given a sick note authorizing her to take a few days off work to recover. However, Kathi’s condition did not improve.

Kathi was pale and sometimes fatigued. Her health deteriorated more as her appetite vanished. Ashley was becoming increasingly worried. A few weeks after her original checkup, she dragged Kathi back to the doctor.

They were surprised that Kathi, a tough young lady with a strong immune system who should have recovered from the sickness weeks ago, was still failing. They, too, were becoming concerned.

Dr. Mary Beth Hensley began to take Kathi seriously and undertook blood and allergy testing to rule out any illnesses or intolerances. Every test result showed Kathi to be in good health.

They adopted a “elimination” technique despite the lack of a diagnosis, thus Kathi was given a variety of antibiotics. Dr. Hensley thought that Kathi’s reaction to the medications would help her grasp her illness, but the opposite happened.

Kathi began to feel worse rather than better. Her body hurt and she couldn’t keep her eyes open. Her mental health began to deteriorate as a result of the unexplained illness. Her family and friends began to worry.

Maybe she was just psychologically ill. Kathi, on the other hand, was conscious of her body and knew when something wasn’t right. Ashely witnessed her mother’s decline firsthand, but she also had a nagging suspicion that something wasn’t quite right.

Kathi researched her symptoms online to learn more about her illness. She tried alternative medicines and herbal remedies, as well as online chats with “experts,” but nothing seemed to work.

As time went on, more and more people began to distrust her, and no one could offer her any solutions. She had never felt so alone before. After all, it could have been all in her head.

Kathi saw her doctor on a regular basis over the next ten years. Dr. Hensley provided Kathi with the best possible care and performed all essential testing. She made significant efforts to determine Kathi’s situation.

She pushed on “cardiac testing, chest x-rays, [MRIs of the] brain and spine” to determine whether something was wrong. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. “I felt we were quite thorough,” Dr. Hensley remarked, “but we didn’t come up with a solution.” Kathi, on the other hand, was growing tired of it all.

For years, Kathi’s mental health had been influenced by an undisclosed illness. It had an effect on her social life, job, and, most importantly, her overall quality of life. She had been suffering from flu-like symptoms for ten years when she decided to look for herself if no one else could.

As a result, she decided to update her bathroom as a treat. She intended to completely remodel the bathroom in order to make it into a hideaway. She hired contractors to do the task. However, they soon discovered something shocking.

When the contractor asked about Kathi’s water heater installation, his brow furrowed in concern. Ashley had to have been a small child when it was implanted, and Kathi knew about it years before she became ill.

“Perhaps ten years ago?” she answered after some thinking. The workers were shocked.

They discovered that the water heater and furnace had been improperly installed, allowing trace levels of carbon monoxide to leak into the home over time. Carbon monoxide, on the other hand, is poisonous.

Carbon monoxide is invisible since it has no color or smell. As a result, the gas becomes a silent murderer. When the gas gets into contact with the body, it replaces oxygen in the blood, causing serious damage to the heart, brain, and other vital organs.

Even modest CO exposure can cause chest aches, tiredness, nausea, migraines, and vertigo.

Prolonged exposure, on the other hand, may cause vomiting, shaking, muscle weakness, and disorientation. CO poisoning can be lethal in some cases. But how come she kept getting the wrong diagnoses?

After years of seeking solutions from specialists and medical professionals, Kathi had given up hope. But Kathi’s ten-year-old symptoms have now been explained! She’d finally heard back from the most unexpected visitors. “I was astonished,” she remarked.

Kathi was in the physical state of an elderly woman because she had been afflicted by an unexplained sickness for so long. But how could she ever express her thanks to them?

“It gradually became worse and worse over the years,” Ashley explained. She was overjoyed to discover that there was now proof of her mother’s condition. Kathi would now be able to carry herself as a normal person.

After years of her mother being sick, they would now be able to do all the things they had missed out on, such as going shopping or out to eat. But, after all these years, could she ever forgive the doctors?

Kathi hadn’t felt this good in a long time. The contractors provided her with much more than a beautiful bathroom; they restored her life.

She is ecstatic to be completely healed—body, mind, and spirit. She exclaimed, “I feel terrific.” “I can’t remember when I was this happy.” Despite the years of chemical exposure and Kathi’s progress toward recovery, this story is nevertheless concerning.

Kathi wished she had pressed for a diagnosis sooner. For ten years, she had been characterized as insane, delusional, and a hypochondriac when the tests came back negative.

She was prescribed bed rest, exercise, and medications, but none of them worked. She was unable to obtain answers from anyone.

But Kathi had cause to trust her instincts. Despite the fact that she had to wait ten years for an answer, she is grateful.

In addition to anticipating her increased strength and fresh life, Kathi hopes that through sharing her experience, the dangers of carbon monoxide will be made more generally recognized.