Lindsay Donnelly, a mother of two kids aged 7 and 4, found herself going viral on TikTok after she called her husband out in a video. The video was posted on June 3 and it quickly gained attention. In the video, Lindsay appeared annoyed at a comment her husband made where he accused her of doing nothing around the house.

To prove her point, Lindsay decided to do exactly what her husband accused her of – nothing. She spent two days not doing any household chores. When those two days were up, she walked around their home and documented the chaos that ensued. Dirty plates on the kitchen counter, toys and shoes strewn across the kitchen floor, dirty dishes in the sink, piles of laundry in the living room, and a bathroom that looked like a tornado had hit it – the house was a mess.

The purpose of Lindsay’s video was to show her husband that she actually does a lot around the house, even if it often goes unnoticed. And to take things one step further, after her two days of doing nothing, she went on a ‘girls trip’ with her friends and left her husband to deal with the aftermath. The video, tagged with #marriagehumor, has been viewed nearly 15 million times and has received millions of likes and comments.

Lindsay’s viral video even caught the attention of, who had the opportunity to speak with Lindsay and her husband. They reassured everyone that they are a happy and fun-loving couple. Lindsay explained that the comment was made during an evening when her husband was cleaning up in the kitchen while she was getting their kids ready for bed. Her husband was in a grumpy mood and made the remark about her doing nothing around the house.

Instead of engaging in a fight, Lindsay took a clever approach. She decided to make the invisible labor visible by showcasing the chaos that occurred when she didn’t do her usual tidying and organizing. The initial video proved her point and resonated with many viewers.

A few days after posting the first video, Lindsay shared a follow-up video. This time, she gave her husband a chance to apologize, as he had no idea that the initial video had gone viral. In the video, Lindsay defended her husband’s character while calling his comment a ‘poo poo butt move.’ Although he apologized in the video, many viewers questioned its sincerity in the comments section.

Despite the skepticism from some viewers, Lindsay assures her TikTok followers that her husband is a good partner and father to their children. When they are not going viral on TikTok, Lindsay works as a photographer and runs a social media marketing agency, while her husband works in venture capital.

Lindsay Donnelly’s TikTok journey shows the power of social media in amplifying everyday moments and sparking important conversations. It also highlights the value of recognizing and appreciating the unseen work that goes into maintaining a household.