When a 4-year-old boy went missing in the dense forest of New Jersey, the state police quickly launched a search. But when they finally found the boy, they were in for a surprise.

The woods outside Buena Vista Township in New Jersey are not a safe place for a young child, especially given its dense and dangerous terrain. So, it’s no wonder that the parents of this little boy were terrified when they couldn’t find him one evening.

When the New Jersey state police arrived at the house, they learned that the child had wandered off with his black Labrador. After searching for some time, a neighbor alerted them to cries for help coming from the woods, increasing the urgency of the situation.

After an hour filled with worry, the police and the boy’s mother had a wonderful discovery. Emerging from the forest were the 4-year-old boy and his dog.

The child, sobbing, ran towards the trooper and his mother with outstretched arms. The Labrador had faithfully stayed by the boy’s side the entire time. What a loyal and amazing companion!

The heartwarming moment was captured by the police officers’ body cameras. The New Jersey State Police wrote, “We are thankful to report that due to the quick response of the troopers and his mother, the terrified child was safely located and in good health.”

Apart from the relief of finding the child safe and sound, the most heartwarming aspect of this story was that the family dog never left the boy’s side.

After the video was shared online, many praised the black Labrador. “This beautiful dog protected him and stayed by his side,” commented one person. “Give this dog an award!” added another. “Great dog!” a third person wrote.

Isn’t it amazing how smart and loyal dogs can be? Feel free to share this story on Facebook if you agree!