Meg Ryan, the beloved actress best known for her roles in movies like “Sleepless in Seattle” and “When Harry Met Sally,” recently made her first public appearance in six months. She showed her support for her friend Michael J. Fox at a screening of his new documentary on his battle with Parkinson’s disease. The event took place at the Alice Tully Hall in the Lincoln Center, New York.

During the event, Meg Ryan posed for pictures with other celebrities like Billy Murray and Elvis Costello, showing her continued involvement in the entertainment industry. However, her appearance drew mixed reactions from fans.

Many fans were surprised by Meg Ryan’s new look, with some even finding it hard to recognize her. Some speculated that she might have undergone plastic surgery, commenting on her incredibly smooth complexion. However, it’s important to note that Meg Ryan has previously denied undergoing any cosmetic procedures.

Regardless of the comments about her appearance, Meg Ryan seemed to be in good spirits as she supported her friend. Michael J. Fox, known for his iconic role in “Back to the Future,” has been a leading advocate for Parkinson’s awareness and research since being diagnosed with the disease at the age of 29.

In a recent emotional interview, Fox talked about the challenges he faces due to Parkinson’s and mentioned undergoing spinal surgery for a benign tumor. Despite these health struggles, Fox remains optimistic, emphasizing that Parkinson’s doesn’t define him.

As we discuss Meg Ryan’s appearance, it raises the question of whether it’s fair for people to judge and comment on someone’s looks. The online world can be harsh, and it’s important to remember that celebrities are human beings too. Let’s show support for Michael J. Fox and send love and prayers his way, while extending empathy and understanding to Meg Ryan.

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