Akiane Kramarik, now 28 years old, is a remarkable artist, author, and philanthropist. But her journey began when she painted a captivating image of Jesus, titled “Prince of Peace,” at the tender age of just 8. This masterpiece, which she described as a profound role model for humanity, was hidden away, stolen, and wrongly sold for 16 long years.

Akiane’s artistic abilities were recognized at a young age when she appeared on the Oprah Show at the age of 9, showcasing her extraordinary talent. Oprah marveled at her skills and asked where her gift came from. Without hesitation, Akiane confidently replied, “It comes from God.”

What makes Akiane’s story even more fascinating is that she grew up in a family who did not believe in God. The topic of religion was never discussed within their household. Yet, Akiane experienced a spiritual awakening alongside her artistic journey. She would have vivid dreams and visions, and she began to talk about God and His love in great detail.

Akiane initially had the intention to express her visions through poetry and literature. However, she soon realized that words could not capture the complexity of her experiences. So, she turned to painting to bring her divine inspiration to life.

Searching for a model to depict Jesus, Akiane’s family prayed fervently. Miraculously, an exceptionally tall craftsman, a carpenter resembling Jesus himself, arrived at their door seeking employment. Akiane knew instantly that he was the one she had been searching for. With him as her model, she created the masterpiece “Prince of Peace.”

But the story of this painting didn’t end there. On its way to an exhibition, it was stolen. Although eventually recovered, the painting was covered in sawdust during the ordeal. Undeterred, Akiane meticulously cleaned it before preparing to share it with the world.

Unfortunately, due to a clerical error, the painting’s exhibition plans were derailed. Akiane had to sell “Prince of Peace” to a private collector in order to provide for her family. It seemed that her hopes of being reunited with her masterpiece were shattered. Nonetheless, Akiane continued to travel, spreading peace and spirituality through her art lessons and the sale of prints.

Then, in 2019, a miracle happened. The painting found its way into the hands of a distinguished and esteemed family who saw themselves as stewards of this valuable artwork. They recognized the importance of safeguarding it for future generations to experience the transformative power of its story.

When Akiane was finally reunited with “Prince of Peace,” she couldn’t contain her emotions. Tears streamed down her face as she fell to her knees. In a recent interview, she expressed her awe at seeing her masterpiece in the light again after so many years. She believes that love is a powerful force that always shows up when it is needed the most.

If you have the opportunity, don’t miss the chance to see Akiane’s revered painting at the Belóved Gallery in Marble Falls, TX. Regardless of religious beliefs, it’s impossible not to appreciate the incredible talent and dedication that Akiane Kramarik possesses. Which of her works do you find most captivating? Share this amazing story with your friends and family and let them be inspired too!