Little girl keeps falling asleep in class, but her answers astonish the teacher

School days can be a bit dull, and we’ve all had those classes that made us want to take a little nap. Well, Mary Margaret was no exception. She often found herself dozing off during her Catholic School lessons. But little did she know, her napping would lead to some unexpected and hilarious moments with her teacher, a nun.

One day, while Mary Margaret was fast asleep, the nun decided to test her knowledge. She called out to her, “Tell me, Mary Margaret, who created the universe?”

However, Mary Margaret remained in her slumber. That’s when her friend, little Johnny, who was sitting behind her, decided to lend a helping hand. He gently poked her with his pencil.

In an instant, Mary Margaret woke up and confidently exclaimed, “God Almighty!” The nun was taken aback but pleased with her correct answer.

A little later, the nun posed another question to Mary Margaret, “Who is our Lord and Savior?” But once again, Mary Margaret remained fast asleep. This time, Johnny came to the rescue once again and jabbed her in the rear.

Startled awake, Mary Margaret shouted, “Jesus Christ!!” The nun commended her for the correct answer and Mary Margaret fell back into her slumber.

Not giving up, the nun decided to ask one more question to test Mary Margaret’s biblical knowledge. She asked, “What did Eve say to Adam after she had her twenty-third child?”

Without hesitation, Johnny stuck Mary Margaret again, and this time she jumped up in annoyance. With a fiery spirit, she exclaimed, “If you stick that damn thing in me one more time, I’ll break it in half!” The poor nun couldn’t handle the response and fainted.

Mary Margaret waking up in surprise
Johnny sticking Mary Margaret with a pencil
Mary Margaret's fiery outburst

This amusing exchange between Mary Margaret and her teacher brought laughter to the classroom. It just goes to show that even during sleepy moments, unexpected answers can bring joy and amusement. Share this funny story with your loved ones and spread the laughter!