Leah Remini, an actress known for her role in the sitcom “The King of Queens,” has recently filed a lawsuit against the Church of Scientology and its leader, David Miscavige. In her lawsuit, she claims that she has faced a decade-long campaign of harassment and intimidation from the organization.

Remini alleges that she has been “stalked, surveilled, harassed, threatened, and intimidated” by the Church of Scientology. She also states that she has been the target of “intentional malicious and fraudulent rumors.” According to her, this treatment has severely affected her personal and professional life.

The actress filed the lawsuit just days before the pre-sentencing hearing of Danny Masterson, a convicted rapist and prominent Scientologist. In an Instagram statement, Remini declared that she has been subjected to “psychological torture, defamation, surveillance, harassment, and intimidation” by Scientology and Miscavige for the past 17 years. She further expressed her determination to be the last person targeted by the organization.

Remini’s lawsuit, a comprehensive 60-page document, accuses the Church of Scientology of actively targeting her and invading her privacy even after she officially left the organization in 2013. The campaigns against her allegedly began in 2006, while she was still a member of the Church.

The lawsuit specifically highlights the Church of Scientology’s Office of Special Affairs (OSA), which monitors both Scientologists and individuals designated as enemies of the religion. This practice, known as a “series of directives,” traces back to L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology.

According to the lawsuit, Remini has been relentlessly targeted by OSA and its operatives since publicly leaving the religion. Their intention was to “completely restrain and muzzle,” “obliterate,” and “utterly ruin” the actress. In addition, the lawsuit claims that the Church of Scientology has used hundreds of controlled social media accounts to spread false rumors about Remini, often resorting to intimidation and misinformation.

The lawsuit further asserts that Remini’s family members, friends, colleagues, and business associates have also been subjected to harassment, threats, intimidation, and humiliation by the Church of Scientology. This has resulted in the actress losing personal relationships, business contracts, and other opportunities.

For instance, the lawsuit highlights the Twitter account, @standmonitor, allegedly controlled by the Church of Scientology. This account has posted numerous harassing tweets about Remini, including photoshopped images with captions falsely claiming her support for rapists under the hashtag #ReminiLovesRapists.

Remini’s legal action also sheds light on an incident during Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’ wedding where she questioned the whereabouts of Shelly Miscavige, David Miscavige’s wife. As a result, she was compelled to go through an “ethics cycle,” a process she describes as one of her worst nightmares as a Scientologist.

During this time, Remini was given internal reports from Scientologists complaining about her behavior at the wedding. She felt penalized for her inquiry about Shelly Miscavige and for making reports about David Miscavige and others. The actress was detained at the Flag Land Base building (FLAG) in Clearwater, FL, for four months, undergoing a process that cost her hundreds of thousands of dollars and almost led to a psychotic breakdown.

Through her lawsuit, Remini aims to protect the rights granted by the United States Constitution to speak the truth and report the facts about Scientology without fear of vindictive retribution. She hopes to give a voice to all those who have left the Church of Scientology and who may be unable to fight back against the organization’s tactics.

Please help spread the word and support Leah Remini and those who have chosen to leave the Church of Scientology. Together, we can make a difference.