Ethan, an 11-year-old, had just won the school science Olympiad, but unfortunately, his hardworking mother, Maria, couldn’t make it to celebrate with him. Disappointed, Ethan started walking home alone.

Little did Ethan know that he would soon encounter a mysterious van and a man named Bill. Bill claimed that Maria was in the hospital and tried to persuade Ethan to get into the van.

But Ethan, being a smart and cautious kid, didn’t fall for it. He decided to stall by engaging Bill in conversation while secretly calling his mom for help.

However, things took a terrifying turn when Bill forcefully kidnapped Ethan, tying him up in the van with a dog named Dablo. Fearful but determined, Ethan stayed calm and collected, thinking about how to escape.

Finally, the van arrived at a dilapidated house where Bill revealed his intention for Ethan to stay with him. But Ethan, using his clever wit, saw an opportunity to gain Bill’s trust.

He pretended to share similar interests and even suggested ordering a pie from a local cafe called ‘Sweet Places.’ Unbeknownst to Bill, this was actually a coded message to his mom, who happened to own the cafe.

With the pie order placed, the police swiftly arrived, arresting Bill and rescuing Ethan from his clutches. It was then that Maria realized the danger her son was in and used the code to ensure Ethan’s safety.

In the end, it was Ethan’s quick thinking and his mother’s ingenious code that saved him from a dangerous situation. This story serves as a powerful reminder of how important it is to prioritize children’s safety.

As parents and guardians, we should always remain vigilant and teach our children to be aware of their surroundings, trust their instincts, and find clever ways to seek help when needed.