As a busy housewife, you always want your clothes to smell fresh. But did you know that there’s a simple and inexpensive way to achieve this? Instead of spending a fortune on cleaning materials, consider using a bag of rice in your closet. Not only will it keep your clothes smelling great, but it’s also a convenient solution for those times when you don’t have time to wash your clothes as frequently as you’d like.

The Overstuffed Closet Issue

Many women’s lives revolve heavily around their wardrobes, and it’s easy to accumulate a lot of clothes. However, an overstuffed closet can lead to organizational issues and unpleasant smells if the garments haven’t been washed in a while.

A Practical Alternative

Fortunately, there’s a practical and easy solution that doesn’t require any additional purchases. All you need is a fabric bag, six drops of lavender oil, and 100 grams of rice. The lavender oil will keep the rice fresh, while the rice will absorb any unwanted odors.

How to Make Your Rice Bag

  1. Clean the rice before use.
  2. Place the rice in a bowl and cover it with the scented oil.
  3. Mix the oil and rice with a spoon and let them rest for a while.
  4. Transfer the rice and oil mixture into a fabric bag.
  5. Hang the bag on a shelf or position it in your closet next to your clothing.

The Benefits of Using a Rice Bag

By using a rice bag, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  1. Fresh Aroma: The rice will give your garments a pleasant scent, keeping them smelling fresh.
  2. Moisture Absorption: The rice will also absorb moisture, preventing mold from forming on your clothes.
  3. Odor Elimination: Lavender not only eliminates the smell of mold but also removes the odor of moisture. This is particularly useful for clothes that were left wet in the washing machine or placed on shelves while still damp.

Other Uses for Lavender

Lavender has many other uses beyond keeping your clothes fresh. For example, you can eliminate unwanted odors by filling a pot with boiling water and lavender flowers. By slipping your clothing through the mixture, you can dry them while absorbing the delightful aroma of the flowers.


In conclusion, life hacks like using a rice bag can greatly improve your daily life and help eliminate certain problems. So why not give this simple and inexpensive trick a try? Let us know in the comments what you think about this rice bag hack, and don’t forget to share this article with your loved ones.