Jane Fonda, the 85-year-old Hollywood icon, recently made a statement about her approach to dating that took everyone by surprise. Despite her age, she boldly admitted that she would consider dating someone 20 years younger than her if she decided to have a romantic partner. This revelation caused quite a stir online, with fans expressing their support and admiration for her candidness.

Jane Fonda’s illustrious career spans nearly seven decades, starting with her debut in 1960. She made a name for herself in a Broadway play and received a Tony award nomination. Over the years, she has achieved tremendous success, winning numerous awards and leaving a lasting impact on the entertainment industry.

Despite her professional achievements, Jane Fonda’s personal life has had its ups and downs. She has been married multiple times, with her most notable marriages being to French filmmaker Roger Vadim, politician and activist Tom Hayden, and media mogul Ted Turner. Each relationship brought its own joys and challenges.

Reflecting on her experiences, Jane Fonda shared her wisdom with People magazine, emphasizing the importance of accepting imperfections and recognizing warning signs in relationships. She acknowledged that her life would have been very different if she had paid attention to those signs.

In a recent podcast conversation with comedian Heather McMahan, Jane Fonda touched on her dating preferences, sparking a wave of online reactions. She amusedly admitted that she would only date someone younger than the legal drinking age. When asked why specifically 20 years younger, she humorously replied, “Because I don’t like old skin,” leaving the host and audience in laughter.

Fans responded enthusiastically to Fonda’s lighthearted approach to dating. Many praised her for her wit and talent, declaring their unwavering support. Some even playfully interpreted her statement as an invitation.

Jane Fonda continues to inspire and entertain audiences with her remarkable career and refreshing outlook on life. Her openness about love and dating serves as a reminder that age should never hinder one’s pursuit of happiness and companionship.