Jana Kramer, known for her role in “One Tree Hill,” and her fiancé Allan Russell are celebrating the arrival of their first child together. Baby Roman James Russell was born on November 13th, weighing 6 pounds and 1 ounce.

The couple expressed their joy and gratitude to People, stating, “Allan and I are both overjoyed and truly grateful to announce the birth of our son, Roman James Russell. We feel blessed to have been given the chance to create something so special together.”

When asked about their son’s name, Jana explained, “The name Roman really isn’t inspired by anyone, it’s just a strong name that we both love. But James, his middle name, was both of our grandpas’ names, so that was a nod to them.”

Jana also shared intimate moments from her birthing experience on her Instagram. In one photo, she lovingly holds Roman in her arms, moments after his birth. Another picture captures a tender moment between Allan and Jana, as he consoles her in the delivery room.

The 39-year-old actress surprised her Instagram followers with her pregnancy news in June, just one month after announcing her engagement. Alongside photos of her positive pregnancy test, Jana expressed her gratitude, saying, “Beyond blessed and grateful for this baby to be a part of our story.”

Allan, 42, also took to social media to share the news, jokingly predicting a shortage of yellow colored carbs or cheese due to Jana’s cravings in the coming months.

This is not Jana’s first experience with motherhood, as she has two children from her previous marriage to Mike Caussin. They have a daughter named Jolie, aged 7, and a son named Jace, aged 4. Allan, too, has a teenage son from a previous relationship.

Jana and Mike’s relationship has had its challenges, including Caussin’s infidelity and treatment for sex addiction. The couple ultimately decided to part ways in 2021, with Jana expressing her need to heal and move on.

Despite their separation, Jana and Mike have come together as co-parents, demonstrating their commitment to their children. They have united for special moments in their kids’ lives, such as Jolie’s father-daughter dance and Jace’s birthday party.

We congratulate Jana Kramer and Allan Russell on their new addition to the family and wish them joy and happiness in this next chapter of their lives.