On a recent episode of Red Table Talk, Jaden Smith and his family opened up about his health issues and his determination to improve his well-being. The 21-year-old was joined by his parents Will and Jada Pinkett Smith, his younger sister Willow, and his grandmother Adrienne Banfield-Norris.

Jaden shared his concerns about his decision to become a vegetarian and how it was impacting his health. People would approach him on the street, sharing their own health struggles and seeking his help. With the support of his family, Jaden decided to seek professional guidance and enlisted the help of Dr. Mark Hyman, a renowned doctor, and nutritionist Mona Sharma.

Dr. Hyman shed light on Jaden’s nutritional deficiencies, attributing them to his diet of eating the wrong foods and lack of essential nutrients. Gluten and dairy were identified as major concerns for Jaden, along with deficiencies in vitamins and omega-3.

But there is hope. With Dr. Hyman’s recommended supplements and a new diet plan, Jaden’s stomach problems have started to alleviate, and his health is improving. Dr. Hyman believes that Jaden will soon have a positive impact on the world again.

This isn’t the first time Jaden’s health has worried his family. On a previous episode of Red Table Talk, Will and Jada expressed concern about Jaden’s extreme diet. They noticed a decline in his appearance, energy levels, and quality of sleep. The situation became more serious when Jaden was admitted to a hospital in Australia with symptoms of nausea and dizziness.

Will and Jada realized that Jaden’s vegan lifestyle wasn’t providing him with the necessary protein and nutrients his body needed. They decided it was time to step in and make changes. Jaden’s appearance, marked by dark circles under his eyes and pale skin, began to improve once he started receiving the proper nutrition.

The Smiths have always been committed to addressing both mental and physical wellness. Recently, Will shared a photo of a successful colonoscopy and highlighted the importance of taking care of one’s health. They are passionate about making honest and healthy choices and hope that by sharing their personal health journey, they can inspire others to prioritize their wellness and lead fulfilling and vibrant lives.

Join the Smith family as they embark on their quest for a healthy and happy life. Let’s make the most of the wonderful year ahead by taking steps towards our own well-being.