Raising a child is not easy, yet it appears that not many people comprehend this. The truth is that most parents would go above and beyond for their children’s happiness, but there would be those who would condemn their parenting and criticize their actions.

Life with five children under one roof must be difficult, as Jordan Driskell, 31, knows all too well. He and his wife have 5-year-old quintuplets, and even a simple shopping trip to the nearby market can be difficult to manage because the youngsters are highly interested and require a lot of juggling to keep them together and behave.

Zoey, Dakota, Hollyn, Asher, and Gavin used to ride in a 5-seat stroller, but now they prefer to walk. Furthermore, the stroller was far too large and difficult to transport around.

Jordan is wearing a child leash to keep them in front of his eyes at all times and to ensure that none of the kids wander off. He says the kids love it.

He released a video of the quintuplets on a leash during a day trip to an aquarium last year, which has since gone viral with over three million views and counting. Jordan was mostly mocked and chastised for wearing a leash.

“They’re not dogs,” one individual pointed out. “Can’t you just train your children properly?” “Explain to them why leaving is dangerous,” another added. The majority of the responses were unfavorable.

Someone commented, “If you can’t handle the pressure, don’t have too many kids.”

“What a disaster.” “If you can’t handle that many kids, don’t have any,” another individual said.

While some criticized Jordan’s parenting, parenting and adolescent development expert Dr. Deborah Gilboa argues this is a creative problem solution. She does not believe the children are treated like animals; rather, she believes their parents just had to find a way, which is preferable to keeping the children at home.

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