Imagine being 70 years old and still proudly proclaiming your virginity! That’s exactly what Pam Shaw, a 70-year-old British woman, does. Pam is not just living a content life but also recently did a fabulous fashion photoshoot at her own home in Wigan.

You might wonder how she managed to maintain her virginity while others her age already have grandchildren. Well, Pam, a talented cabaret singer, dedicated her life to her career and didn’t have time for a long-term relationship. Moreover, she firmly believes in waiting for the right person and has always embraced the idea of saving herself for marriage.

Now, at 70, Pam feels ready to take the big step. However, she has set high standards for herself. Pam will only consider giving away her precious virginity to a tall, dark, and handsome millionaire.

Pam’s unique story reminds us that everyone has their own path in life, and happiness can be found in different ways. Being a virgin at 70 doesn’t define her, but her positive outlook and determination certainly do.