Do you have a collection of old VHS tapes gathering dust? Perhaps they’ve been long-forgotten in the attic or discarded altogether. Well, before you dismiss them as worthless, you might want to think again. It turns out there’s actually a thriving market for certain vintage tapes.

These days, when movies are released or re-released, they often undergo changes from the original theatrical version. While some people don’t mind these alterations, others prefer the authenticity and originality of the unedited film. And for those collectors, the original cuts come with a hefty price tag.

Just take a look on eBay, and you’ll be amazed at the astronomical prices some tapes are commanding. For example, there’s a particular edition of Beauty and the Beast listed for a staggering $9,999. What makes this tape so valuable? Well, it’s because it’s the original version of the film that doesn’t include the song “Human Again,” which was later added to the 2002 special edition.

But it’s not just the exclusivity of certain versions that makes VHS tapes valuable. Disney tapes, in particular, have become sought-after by collectors for another reason. Some of these tapes feature a black diamond with Walt Disney’s signature on the spine. These unique markings were part of Disney’s initial foray into the home video market, and that’s why these VHS tapes are highly coveted by certain Disney enthusiasts.

Now, it’s important to note that not every old VHS tape is worth a small fortune. Many of the movies listed for sale are actually priced much lower. However, if your plan for your old VHS tapes is simply to throw them out, it wouldn’t hurt to do a little research and see if they hold any value.

So, before you discard those old tapes, take a closer look. You might just have a hidden treasure sitting right there on your shelf. It’s time to dive into the world of VHS tape collectibles and see if your collection holds any surprises. Happy hunting!