Have you ever been on a first date that turned out to be a complete disaster? Well, let me tell you about mine. It all started when I developed feelings for a woman I saw at the gym. After mustering up the courage, I finally asked her out. Little did I know that it would be a major error of judgment, and I quickly realized that I didn’t want to see her again.

We decided to go to a Korean barbecue restaurant for our first date. As we sat at the table, the woman noticed the fire in the middle and asked what it was for. I explained that it was for cooking the meal together, but she questioned why we had to do all the work. I suggested we could order from the menu instead, but she insisted that the restaurant staff should take care of everything.

Despite feeling humiliated by her actions, I decided to continue the date. But things took a turn for the worse when she made derogatory comments about immigrants, including a racial slur against Pakistanis. As someone with Indian heritage, I was appalled by her words. She quickly clarified that she didn’t mean Latinos, as she enjoyed Mexican food. It was a strange and uncomfortable moment.

After enduring the entire meal, I excused myself to use the restroom. Unbeknownst to her, I paid the bill and left a tip at the counter. I couldn’t bear the thought of spending another moment with her in the car. When I got home, I immediately blocked her number, feeling relieved that I wouldn’t have to see her again.

Feeling unsure about my decision, I decided to share my experience online and see what others thought. To my surprise, many people agreed with me that leaving and blocking her was the right thing to do. Some even applauded me for paying the bill. However, there were a few who thought I should have given her an explanation for my departure.

In the end, I realized that it was best for both of us to part ways. It’s important to be with someone who shares similar values and treats others with respect. Leaving my crush at the restaurant was a difficult decision, but it was necessary for my own well-being.

Have you ever had a disastrous first date? Share your experiences in the comments below!