The Generosity of a Father Backfires
On r/AITA, a father expressed his disappointment after his son refused to invite him, his wife, and his daughter to his wedding. The son lived in a house that his parents had purchased for him in Pennsylvania, but things turned sour when his fiancée’s family intervened.

“We’re Not Their Kind of People”

Tensions erupted after a get-to-know-you BBQ at the house when the son’s fiancée and her family decided the father’s family was “not their kind of people” and refused to invite them to the wedding. Shocked and hurt, the father attempted to discuss the situation with his son but was unable to reach an agreement.

What Is the Meaning of “Not Good Enough”?
The father couldn’t understand why his family wasn’t seen to be good enough, or why his son would allow such an insult. The father went to the PA house, determined to discuss civilly, but was confronted with animosity from the fiancée’s family, who had moved in. As a result, he decided to sell the house, giving them 30 days to leave.

Seeking AITA Advice
The father sought guidance from the AITA community on whether he had responded appropriately in the scenario. Some speculated that the son was being influenced by his fiancée’s abusive family, while others applauded the father’s choice to safeguard his property rights.

Seeking Legal Advice
Some users urged the father to obtain legal assistance to ensure a thorough eviction process, as well as to document the property’s state in order to avoid disagreements.

Using the Benefit of the Doubt
Despite their pain, some users recommended the parent to explore the possibility that his son was a victim of manipulation rather than the offender. They advised providing emotional support and understanding before disconnecting him totally.

Putting Tenancy Policies First
While emotions were running high, users advised the father to prioritize tenancy laws and dealing with the urgent issue of the residence. He could then concentrate on resolving disagreements with his son.

The Next Steps
The father must manage a difficult scenario with his son while still defending his property rights. Striving for empathy and understanding may assist bridge the gap and lead to a resolution.

Share Your Opinion
What are your thoughts on this family’s situation? Please share your ideas and observations in the comments area.