Are you ready for a good laugh? We have a hilarious joke that will surely brighten up your day. Get ready to chuckle!

Once upon a time, a hardworking man finished his work early and decided to surprise his wife by coming home earlier than usual. Little did he know, he was about to stumble upon an unexpected scene that he would never forget.

As he walked into the house, he heard strange noises coming from the bedroom. Curiosity piqued, he quickly rushed upstairs, wondering what could possibly be going on. To his surprise, he found his wife lying naked on the bed, sweating and panting.

Naturally concerned, the husband asked, “What’s up? Is everything okay?”

In between gasps, his wife cried out, “I’m having a heart attack!”

Worry and panic threatened to consume him. He needed to call for help immediately. He rushed downstairs, intending to grab the phone and dial for an ambulance. However, just as he was about to make the call, his 4-year-old son came up to him in a state of excitement.

“Daddy! Daddy!” the little boy exclaimed. “Uncle Ted’s hiding in your closet, and he’s got no clothes on!”

In an instant, the husband’s attention was diverted. He slammed the phone down, forgotten for the moment, and stormed back upstairs into the bedroom. Ignoring his wife’s cries for help, he ripped open the wardrobe door without hesitation. And there, in all his glory, was his brother, completely naked, huddled on the closet floor.

The husband’s frustration and anger boiled over. He couldn’t believe what he was witnessing. His wife was supposedly having a heart attack, and his brother was running around scaring the kids while stark naked!

“You rotten SOB,” the husband shouted, furious. “My wife’s having a heart attack, and you’re here scaring the kids half to death without a stitch of clothing on!”

This uproarious joke is too good not to share! Spread the laughter by sharing this hilarious story with your loved ones on Facebook. They’ll surely appreciate a good chuckle.