James Green had always dreamed of being a dad. When his wife, Cloe, became pregnant with their first child, he was overcome with excitement. Their family continued to grow, and with each new addition, James embraced his role as a father even more. He was a loving and energetic dad who cherished every moment he spent with his children.

Even though Cloe was a full-time mom, James worked from home to be there for his kids as much as possible. He took them to and from school, spent evenings with them, and was actively involved in their lives. To him, being a dad was the greatest joy.

When their fifth child was born with cerebral palsy, James and Cloe decided that their family was complete. Cloe got a contraceptive implant to prevent future pregnancies. However, fate had different plans. Cloe unexpectedly became pregnant again, and James saw it as a sign that they were meant to have more children.

The couple went on to have eight kids, and they agreed that their family was finally complete. But tragedy struck on December 4, 2015, just 12 weeks after welcoming their youngest child. Cloe woke up to find James lifeless beside her.

Cloe and James had fallen in love as teenagers. James always expressed his desire to have a large family from the start. He was a big-hearted man with a lot of love to give. Cloe was 17 when she became pregnant for the first time, which was a surprise but filled them with joy.

With the birth of their second son, Cloe and James became more confident in their choice to have a big family. They welcomed Oliver and their first daughter, Megan, shortly after. Their family was thriving, but there was a new challenge when Miley was born with cerebral palsy, requiring special care.

Despite the sacrifices they had to make, Cloe and James decided that their family was complete after Miley. Cloe got a contraceptive implant to prevent future pregnancies. But fate had other plans, and Cloe unexpectedly became pregnant again.

James saw it as a sign that they were meant to have more babies, and they welcomed Lacey and Lexi, who were also born with cerebral palsy. With eight children to care for, James dedicated his life to being an amazing dad. He worked remotely so he could spend more time with his kids, doing everything from the school run to bedtime stories.

Tragically, just 12 weeks after their youngest child, Elijah, was born, James passed away suddenly. He suffered from high blood pressure, a condition called hypertensive heart disease. Since he didn’t undergo regular physical examinations, the severity of his condition went unnoticed.

Cloe was devastated and left to care for their eight children alone. In her darkest moments, she wondered how she would cope without James. But when she looked at her children, she found the strength to continue for them and for James. She is determined to honor his memory by being an even stronger parent.

The memories of James with their children are what help Cloe get through each day. His love for being a dad has inspired her to be a resilient and dedicated mother. Together with her children, Cloe finds ways to keep James’ memory alive, like releasing balloons into the sky.

The community has rallied around Cloe and her children, raising funds to renovate their family garden and provide a safe and beautiful space for the kids to play. Cloe has faced unimaginable challenges, but she has grown stronger in the process. Her fight for herself and her children is truly inspiring.

Let’s share this heartbreaking story to celebrate Cloe’s courage and pay tribute to James’ incredible parenting.