Every housewife in the world has the same wish: they always want their clothes to smell fresh. But did you know that there’s a less expensive alternative to expensive cleaning materials? It’s as simple as keeping a bag of rice in your closet!

Freshly smelling clothes

By keeping a bag of rice in your closet, your clothes will continue to smell fresh. The rice absorbs any unpleasant odors, keeping your clothes smelling great even if you don’t have time to wash them as frequently as you’d like.

A lot of women’s lives revolve heavily around their wardrobes. We all love discovering new clothes that we genuinely like. However, this can sometimes lead to an overstuffed closet with clothes that haven’t been washed in a while. That’s when the smell becomes an issue.

But fear not! You can easily resolve this problem with a practical alternative that doesn’t require any additional purchases. All you need is a fabric bag, six drops of lavender oil, and 100 grams of rice.

Fabric bag and lavender oil

First, clean the rice thoroughly. Then, place the rice in a bowl and cover it with the scented oil. Use a spoon to mix the oil and rice, allowing them some time to infuse together. Once they’re well combined, transfer the rice and oil mixture into the fabric bag.

Now, you can hang the bag on a shelf or position it in your closet next to your clothing. The rice will give your garments a pleasant aroma while also absorbing any moisture to prevent mold from forming.

Not only does lavender eliminate the smell of mold, but it also gets rid of that musty smell associated with clothes that were left in the washing machine or placed on the shelves while still wet.

As an extra tip, you can eliminate any unwanted odors by filling a pot with boiling water and lavender flowers. Allow the boiling water to absorb the flowers’ aroma, and then slip your clothing through the mixture to dry them. It’s a simple yet effective way to refresh your clothes!

As you can see, small life hacks like the rice bag can greatly improve your daily life. It’s a cost-effective and easy solution to keep your clothes smelling fresh. Give it a try and let us know what you think in the comments. Don’t forget to share this article with your loved ones too!