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Australian journalist Ally Langdon was deeply moved when she spoke with Andrea and Paul Haynes, a couple who had to make the unimaginable decision to end the life of their 13-year-old daughter, Esra. This heart-wrenching story sheds light on the dangers of the popular trend called “chroming” that tragically claimed Esra’s life.

Esra was a vibrant young athlete who excelled in BMX racing and co-captained her local football netball club. Described as determined, fun, cheeky, and talented by her teammates, Esra was a shining star. She even led her team to a national aerobics championship.

However, tragedy struck on March 31 when Esra attended a sleepover at a friend’s house. Curiosity got the better of her, and she decided to partake in the dangerous inhalation of chemicals known as “chroming.” By sniffing an aerosol deodorant can, she unknowingly put her life at risk. Esra suffered a cardiac arrest and permanent brain damage.

Her parents, Andrea and Paul, were devastated by the news. They never expected such a tragedy to befall their daughter during a regular hangout with friends. To receive the call to “come and get your daughter” in the middle of the night was every parent’s worst nightmare.

Esra’s friends initially mistook her distress for a panic attack. Little did they know that her body was shutting down due to the effects of inhaling the deodorant. When Andrea arrived at the scene, paramedics informed her about the fatal consequences of chroming, something she had never heard of before.

Desperate for their daughter’s recovery, Esra’s parents held onto the hope that her strong heart and lungs would aid her healing. However, after eight days on life support, they received the heartbreaking news that Esra’s brain was beyond repair. Devastated, they made the excruciating decision to remove her from life support.

The pain and anguish of that day will forever remain etched in Andrea and Paul’s minds. Taking their little girl’s life while struggling to find the right words is a sorrow no parent should endure. They summoned family and friends to bid their final goodbyes, cradling Esra until the end.

As a mother herself, the depth of the Haynes’ grief was too much for Ally Langdon to bear. Her empathetic tears flowed freely, mirroring the immense sorrow felt by Esra’s parents.

Since Esra’s passing, her family has been shattered. The loss has deeply affected Esra’s siblings, Imogen, Seth, and Charlie, along with their entire community. Sleepless nights, loss of appetite, and an absence of smiles have become their new reality.

Chroming, a dangerous trend that causes organ failure, seizures, heart attacks, suffocation, and even sudden death, is rapidly gaining popularity among teenagers. The accessibility of everyday items like deodorant, paint, hairspray, and permanent markers makes it worryingly easy to engage in this lethal activity.

Now, Andrea and Paul are on a mission to raise awareness about chroming. They deeply regret not knowing about it earlier, wishing they had discussed the dangers with Esra around their kitchen table. Their aim is for parents to educate themselves and have open conversations with their children, providing them with firsthand information and guidance.

The haunting images of the devastating consequences of chroming have forever scarred Andrea and Paul. Their grief is immeasurable, and their lives will never be the same.

Our hearts go out to Esra’s family and the Haynes family. We cannot fathom the pain they endured and the bravery it took to make such a heartbreaking decision. Let us come together, share this story, and help parents save their children’s lives by educating them about the dangers of this fatal trend.