He made an incredible discovery while restoring his 1901-built home. He removed the filthy carpet from the living room and saw several odd metal circles that were arranged in triangular shapes. When she realized what those circles were, she understood that she would become wealthy.

Susan Hansen, a lady from the United States, has a passion for house renovations.

One day she made the decision to purchase a very old house from 1901 for herself and rebuild it to her tastes. She had no notion that the house she had recently purchased would make her wealthy. The home hid a unique surprise.

It began with setting up the yard, the patio, and the exterior of the house before moving inside. It was time to renovate the living room after setting up the bathrooms and the kitchen. In the center of the room was a huge carpet and a weight that appeared to be quite ancient and unclean for a long period of time. Susan made an amazing discovery as she battled to raise the carpet so she could remove it and clean it.

She saw a distinct surface from the rest of the floor in the home underneath the extremely huge carpet, where numerous metal rings had been arranged in the shape of triangles and had tiny holes. Susan saw something was wrong with the circles, even if their arrangement was aesthetically attractive, and that they were there only for decoration and not anything else.

Susan found further oddities when cleaning the other areas of the home, including a lengthy, shiny wooden platform. She discovered entire bowling bowls in a cupboard. The woman didn’t make the required connections or know what the holes were for until later.

She had come to the conclusion that there had been bowling alleys in the home.

Susan did some investigating and learned that Herbert Massey’s Cafe and Bowling, a well-known location where bowling was once played, had once existed. After learning this, she made the extraordinary decision to return the property to its original condition as a bowling club and sell it. Furthermore, the finding made her well-known.