Little children are truly fascinating individuals. They possess a unique honesty that allows them to openly express their opinions about those around them. With their quick wit and clever tactics, they always find a way to get what they want. And if they can’t persuade their parents, who are usually quite strict, they know they can turn to their grandparents for help. Just like the adorable three-year-old boy in the video below.

Child and mother arguing

This video, taken nine years ago, has managed to maintain its popularity till today. It has been reshared countless times, which is a testament to its entertainment value. The video captures a hilarious exchange between the young boy, Matteo Beltran, and his mom. As she tries to explain to him what he did wrong, he interrupts her repeatedly, saying, “Listen, Linda.” It’s a comedic moment that anyone can enjoy.

So, what caused this entertaining dispute between Matteo and his mom? Well, young Matteo attempted to skip dinner and insisted on having sweets instead. When his mom said no, he cleverly sought the assistance of his grandma, sparking the intense argument with his mom.

Originally posted in 2014 with the caption, “My three-year-old must discuss and question everything,” the video quickly went viral. It has been viewed over 36 million times on YouTube and continues to bring joy to viewers. It’s simply a video you can watch over and over again.

Due to its popularity, Matteo was even invited to appear on various talk shows, including The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Celebrities like Queen Latifah and Michelle Obama praised his comedic talent.

If you haven’t had the pleasure of watching this hilarious video yet, don’t miss out! Check it out below. And be sure to share this article with your family and friends on Facebook so they can enjoy it too.