Jimmy Carter, the former president, is currently 98 years old, and it makes sense that he is aging more slowly. As he approaches death, the former statesman has been receiving hospice care at home.

Learn more about this new development in his hospice treatment from his grandson by continuing to read.

Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States, decided to forgo further medical care in favor of spending time with his loved ones at home while receiving hospice care.

The Carter Center announced after the former President spent several brief periods in the hospital. One of the 22 grandchildren of the former President, Jason Carter, has been updating the American people about his grandfather.

In a press conference, the young Carter said his grandfather’s health was “as good as it can be.”

Jason described his grandfather and grandmother, First Lady Rosalynn Carter, as “just meeting with family right now, but they’re doing it in the best possible way: the two of them together at home.” For more than seven decades, Rosalynn has been with President Carter. In July, the pair will commemorate 77 years of marriage.

They are aware that they are not in charge as well. Right now, their religion is truly establishing them. It’s perfect in that regard, Jason Carter continued. He said that as his grandfather battled his health, he knew of all the love people had sent him in the previous few months.

But he has not only given his time to his beliefs. According to his grandson, the former President enjoys a peanut butter ice cream bowl, one of his favorite flavors. The flavor selection is appropriate for the president, who succeeded his father in running the family-run peanut plantation in the early 1950s.

He ran the farm until he was elected President of the United States in 1977. He succeeded Gerald Ford as the 39th President of the United States, beating him by 2.1% of the popular vote and 297 to 240 electoral votes. He held the presidency for one term before Ronald Reagan defeated him in the 1980 election.

He established the Carter Foundation in 1982 with “a fundamental commitment to human rights and the alleviation of human suffering” as his guiding principles. With assistance from Emory University and his wife, he established the foundation. The foundation aims to “prevent and resolve conflicts, enhance freedom and democracy, and improve health,” but it still does so.

The former president has experienced several health concerns recently. He received a cancer diagnosis in 2015 and heroically fought the disease. Aside from that, he has fallen in his house multiple times and hurt himself. Among them were a shattered hip, a black eye, a broken forehead, and a slight pelvic fracture.

On October 1, the former President will turn 99 years old. He has surpassed George H.W. Bush, who passed away at 94 years old nearly five years ago, to become the longest-living President in history.

During this uncertain time, we pray for the former president’s family and health. Please join us in sending our thoughts and prayers to them.