In this second part, we have gathered even more clever loopholes that people have discovered in various aspects of life. These loopholes helped them save money, get free stuff, and even outsmart some systems. Let’s take a look at some more examples:

Unlimited Soda

A Reddit user shared that back in the 90s, there was a Dr. Pepper promotion where you could win free stuff from the bottle caps, including a free Dr. Pepper. This person discovered that they could look up the barely readable code inside the cap and “win” multiple Dr. Peppers. Having an unlimited supply of soda was incredibly exciting for a teenager.

A Deli-Salad Bar Trick

Another Redditor found a way to save money at their college campus café. The deli sandwiches were overpriced, so they discovered that the same ingredients were available at the salad bar. By purchasing a cheap slice of bread and loading it up with the salad bar ingredients, they were able to create their own sandwiches for a fraction of the price.

Winning Radio Contests

A local radio station had a contest where listeners could win prizes by calling in when they played the same artist back-to-back. However, one person figured out that the station’s website had a “now playing” and “up next” feature. They would call in before the second song even began, winning multiple prizes ranging from concert tickets to a laptop.

Work Hours Loophole

One Redditor had an employer who deducted “break hours” from their pay regardless of whether they took a break or worked overtime. They discovered that if they worked 39 hours instead of the usual 40, their employer wouldn’t deduct those 5 hours, which resulted in a slightly higher paycheck.

Free Rides

When the ride-sharing service Lyft was new, they offered free rides up to a certain amount if you signed up a friend. A deleted user discovered a glitch that resulted in their account having the free ride feature for the entire year. They only had to pay if their ride exceeded the maximum amount. This glitch saved them a lot of money on transportation.

The Wendy’s Burger Promotion

Wendy’s had a promotion where you could get a free burger by filling out a survey on your receipt. One Redditor discovered that they could take the survey on the free burger receipt and continuously get more free burgers. They would buy one and then chain five free burgers after that. They took advantage of this until Wendy’s caught on and stopped accepting it.

These clever loopholes demonstrate the ingenuity of people in finding creative ways to maximize their benefits or save money. While some of these tricks may no longer work due to fixes or policy changes, they serve as a reminder to keep an open mind and look for opportunities that may arise in various situations.

Remember, it’s important to respect the rules and terms set by businesses and organizations. But, every now and then, a little creativity can go a long way.

What do you think of these clever loopholes? Have you ever come across any yourself? Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences!