Can You Score 100% In This Free IQ Test?

Are you up for a challenge? Take this free IQ test that is winning the internet and see if you can achieve a perfect score. You’ll receive immediate results along with a research-backed analysis.

Understanding IQ

You may be wondering, what exactly is IQ? Let’s break it down for you in simple terms.

According to Mensa International, IQ is a standard score that indicates how an individual’s mental ability compares to their peer group. The average IQ score is 100, obtained by administering the same test to a large number of people from diverse socio-economic backgrounds.

The concept of IQ originated in 1912 when the psychologist William Stern introduced the term “Intelligenzquotient” (IQ in German). Initially, IQ was represented as the ratio of an individual’s mental age to their chronological age, multiplied by 100. For example, if a 10-year-old had a mental age of 10, their IQ would be 100. If their mental age was higher (e.g., 12), their IQ would be greater than 100. Conversely, if their mental age was lower, their IQ would be below 100.

The Significance of IQ Scores

Nowadays, people measure their IQ to assess their level of intelligence. While an IQ score doesn’t determine whether you are “smart” or “not smart,” it can provide valuable insights into your cognitive abilities.

IQ scores can help determine how knowledgeable someone is compared to others in their age group. It’s a scale that offers useful information about your intellectual capabilities.

So, are you ready to put your IQ to the test? Take the challenge and discover where you stand on the intelligence scale!

A= 10

B= 5

C= 6

A+B+C = 21