Finding Strength in Challenging Times

Cara Brookins, a mother of four, found herself emotionally broken after leaving her second abusive marriage. Forced to sell her home, she struggled to find a new one that could accommodate her family. Feeling the need to take control of her life, she came up with a seemingly crazy idea – building her own house. With no experience in construction, she turned to YouTube tutorials for guidance and inspiration.

A Family Bonded by Construction

Brookins purchased an acre of property for $20,000 and obtained a building credit of $150,000. Armed with determination and a willingness to learn, she began watching videos on everything from running gas lines to laying foundations. What made the process even more remarkable was that Brookins’ children, aged 2 to 17, eagerly lent their support throughout the nine-month construction period.

Her 15-year-old son, Drew, helped with the preparations, while 11-year-old Jada fetched water from a neighbor’s pond using buckets, as there was no running water on the property. Together, they mixed water with 80-pound sacks of concrete to create the mortar for the foundation.

Overcoming the Impossible

Working as a computer programmer analyst during the day, Brookins spent her evenings at the construction site, often working late into the night. The task seemed overwhelming at times, but she persevered. She even hired a part-time firefighter with building experience to assist with some of the more challenging aspects.

Inkwell Manor: A Home for New Beginnings

On March 31, 2009, after countless hours of hard work, Brookins and her children finally moved into their new home – a magnificent five-bedroom, 3,500-square-foot house. She named it Inkwell Manor, a symbol of her desire to become a writer. Brookins’ journey was far from over, as she went on to write several books, including a biography titled “Rise: How a House Built a Family.”

Healing through Construction

Building her home became a powerful catalyst for Brookins’ personal growth. Although initially hesitant and even ashamed of their unique solution, she soon realized that it was the best decision she could have made for herself and her children. The sense of accomplishment and newfound strength helped her overcome her depression.

Inspiring Others to Achieve the Impossible

Brookins wants everyone to know that if she, a petite computer programmer, can build an entire house, anyone can achieve their goals. Her advice is simple: choose one goal, stay focused, and move slowly but resolutely in that direction. Along the way, take those who also need healing with you. Trust in your ability to create positive change.