Betty Ross, Jonathan Ross’ daughter, has provided an encouraging update to her Instagram followers regarding her fibromyalgia treatment.

Betty is upfront about her battle with the chronic ailment, which causes pain and weariness throughout the body, and she frequently offers to advise those who suffer from it.

The 31-year-old social media star recently shared an update on her recent activities, including many adorable images of herself enjoying time by the sea in Swanage with her The Jonathan Ross Show host father and novelist mother, Jane Goldman.

One follower asked, “Do you ever feel humiliated when using your wheelchair? I don’t go out often because I’m ashamed and afraid of running out of battery or getting trapped attempting to get up a curb. I like your pics x.”

Betty indicated that she has been pacing herself and minimizing unwanted side effects by limiting her public outings and taking the time to write a thorough and helpful response.

She revealed: “It certainly does at times, but I believe I’m getting better at timing myself, which helps me prevent or at least minimize post-exercise lethargy.

“The Perrin professionals provided me with excellent guidance. I’m finding that no matter how much I think I can do in a day, I don’t do more than half of it.”

“Thus, if I think I can handle a 30-minute journey to the park, I won’t go any more than a 15-minute trip out, and I apply this to everything.”

“Playing it safe has meant that I’m not getting that PEM blowback as frequently or as severely and that because I’m calling it less, the amount I can do has increased significantly so that even though I’m still doing half of what I think I can manage, the amount I think I can work has been growing.”

“I don’t always get it right, but it’s helped! I’m sorry you’re having so much trouble with your exhaustion; I’m crossing my fingers that things improve for you soon!”

Betty’s friendly and encouraging post elicited a happy response from her fan, who said, “Thank you so much, that’s helped me, I hope you have lots and lots of lovely days.”

The actress also stated that spending time at the beach helped her mood. Betty responded to another well-wisher: “Hello, fellow fibro warrior! Yes, it is quite good! It’s both serene and joyful to me.”

Jonathan first revealed his daughter’s illness on Good Morning Britain in October 2021, noting that the family had postponed their traditional Halloween party due to Betty’s illness. He recently provided an update on her status in the video below.

The specific cause of fibromyalgia is unknown, according to the NHS. It is linked to “abnormal levels of specific chemicals in the brain and alterations in how the central nervous system processes pain sensations conveyed throughout the body.”

There is no known cure, although therapies like antidepressants and pain relievers, talking therapy such as CBT and counseling, and lifestyle adjustments such as exercise programs and relaxation techniques may help reduce some symptoms.

Betty has myalgic encephalomyelitis as well as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome.

Lady Gaga is another well-known sufferer, and the singer has previously claimed that she uses an infrared blanket to help manage flare-ups.