Everyone had experienced those nights when they could only get a few hours of sleep while tossing, turning, and staring at the ceiling.

Your mind races as you become more anxious about not getting enough sleep. Before you know it, the sun is peeking through the window.

I’d had too many nights like this and needed to stop my unpredictable sleeping patterns.

I found a beautiful tea recipe that completely lifted my spirits.

Stress, anxiety, and sadness are just a few things that might interfere with regular sleeping habits or even make you unable to fall asleep.

Almost every night, I would go to bed with a racing mind.

I couldn’t relax because I was continuously worrying about my family, my career, or the things I needed to do the next day.

Your chances of staying awake increase if your mind is active.

Sleeplessness is another adverse effect of numerous medications.

Painkillers, antihistamines, heart and blood pressure medications, and other drugs contribute to sleep deprivation.

Yes, some medications may make you feel sleepy at first, but they can also make you frequently go to the bathroom or make you anxious, making it harder for you to fall asleep.

Whether it is one of these issues or perhaps it is that you are addicted to your phone when you should be sleeping, something needs to change.

With just a few materials that are undoubtedly present in your home, you can quickly make banana tea!

This delicious, all-natural sleep aid with a banana flavor works wonders. How does it work?

Magnesium and potassium are particularly abundant in banana peels. Magnesium helps to reduce sleep disturbances, and both potassium and magnesium help to calm the muscles.

One of the best minerals for relaxation is magnesium!

Be warned that this recipe requires bananas that are entirely organic. Bananas that are not organic are laced with harmful chemicals because we advise eating the cooked peel.

Drink this quick tea before bed every night. It simply takes 10 minutes to prepare.


One organic banana
After having both ends cut off, the banana must be peeled and immersed in boiling water. One tiny saucepan of water and a dash of cinnamon, if preferred.

For around five minutes, boil it.

Using a sieve, pour the water into a mug. Adding cinnamon to the tea is optional, but it may be adventurous. One hour before retiring to bed, take it.

If you’re worried about wasting food, you’ve never had a banana that has been boiled. Put some cinnamon on the banana once it has done boiling.

Eating the warm, mushy fruit and its skin and the tea will increase its calming benefits. Additionally, it creates a delectable dessert!

Why Pills to Help You Sleep Are Not a Long-Term Solution
Given that more than half of Americans have insomnia or other sleep issues, it is clear why many of us have turned to sleeping pills in times of need.

The truth is that taking sleeping pills won’t help you in the long run. They present a stopgap fix.

Most sleeping pills belong to a specific group of drugs that induce and maintain sleep.

They are classified as sedative-hypnotics. Barbiturates and benzodiazepines are some more sedative-hypnotic drugs.

When used to treat anxiety disorders by putting patients to sleep, benzodiazepines like Xanax and Valium can become addictive. Since barbiturates suppress the central nervous system, they are used as sedatives and anesthetics.

Like any other prescription, sleeping medications have many side effects. In addition to the possibility of habit formation, they could lead to:

dizziness, difficulty focusing, and difficulty recalling stomach discomfort
Weakness trembles violently.
Parasomnias (Acting accidentally when dozing off… Scary!)

Sleep aids also significantly slow down and lighten your breathing rhythm.

This indicates that using these medications could be dangerous or even fatal if you already have respiratory diseases like COPD or asthma.

How Sleep Deprivation Affects the Body
Your health will suffer if you sleep less than eight hours each night. When I became aware of the effects of little to no sleep on my body, I panicked.

When you don’t get enough sleep, typically less than eight hours, your body suffers. Both your long-term memory and short-term memory suffer greatly.

Have you ever tried focusing on a task while your fuel ran low? I’ve done it, and I know it’s nearly impossible.

Your emotional responses to things become wholly warped, and even the easiest chores seem challenging.

The most concerning fact is that sleep deprivation has been linked to severe diseases like cancer, diabetes, and obesity.

It’s essential to determine the root of your poor sleep and take action to fix it.

Considering how excellent and all-natural this tea is and how well it has improved my health, I now look forward to drinking it every night.

A Dr. Oz segment covered natural remedies for sleeplessness. I chose to try banana tea after hearing about it to determine whether I would “Love it or leave it alone.”