When Ayla Summer Mucha was born in December 2021, her parents were taken aback by the huge smile on her face. Little did they know, that smile was caused by a rare condition called bilateral macrostomia.

Despite the initial shock, Ayla’s parents fell in love with her and she quickly became a social media sensation, capturing hearts worldwide with her heartwarming smile. Let’s dive deeper into the story of this charming little girl.

An Unexpected Surprise

Ayla’s parents, Cristina Vercher and Blaize Mucha, eagerly awaited her arrival. However, during the C-section birth, they received shocking news. Ayla had bilateral macrostomia, a facial cleft that occurs when the corners of the mouth do not properly fuse together during pregnancy. This condition is so rare that only 14 cases have been reported in medical literature. The news was not only a surprise to Ayla’s parents but also to the doctors who were unprepared to handle a baby with bilateral macrostomia.

Overcoming Worries

Cristina, now 23 years old, and Blaize, 22 years old, were instantly worried when they saw their daughter for the first time. The condition was obvious and raised concerns about how they could help Ayla live a fulfilling life. They feared they had done something wrong during the pregnancy, but doctors assured them that they were not to blame. After days of genetic testing and scans, the Muchas received reassurance that their daughter’s condition was entirely outside of their control.

Spreading Love and Awareness

Determined to help Ayla and raise awareness about bilateral macrostomia, the Muchas decided to share their daughter’s story on social media. To their surprise, they received an outpouring of support from millions of online users. Ayla’s distinctive smile attracted attention, with people across the globe falling in love with her. Despite a few trolls, Ayla’s loyal followers quickly shut them down and filled the comments section with positivity and love for the adorable little girl.

A Journey of Strength and Resilience

Vercher, faced with the negativity surrounding her sweet baby, encourages kindness and acceptance for all people. She understands that social media can be a divided place but hopes that people will show the same respect to others during challenging times. Refusing to be deterred by online hate, the Muchas continue to share Ayla’s journey, treasuring their experiences and memories with their beautiful daughter.

Bright Days Ahead

Fortunately, it appears that Ayla successfully underwent surgery to correct her enlarged mouth. She recently celebrated her 2nd birthday and has become a big sister to baby brother Sonny. Despite the challenges Ayla has faced, she has minimal scarring from the procedure. The Muchas remain undeterred, sharing videos and pictures of their beautiful little Ayla, spreading joy and reminding us of the power of unconditional love.

Share Your Thoughts

What do you think of this gorgeous family and their journey with Ayla? We’d love to hear your thoughts and invite you to share this story to spread awareness and kindness. Let’s celebrate the resilience and strength of this incredible family together!