Man expected to die at 2 is now dad of adorable twins

Austin Jones, born with a rare disease in 1996, was given a devastating prognosis – his life expectancy was only two years. But fate had a different plan for him. Now, at the age of 27, Austin is not only alive but also a proud father of newborn twins, a loving husband, and a successful business owner. He considers his condition to be the “biggest blessing possible.”

Austin was diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy with respiratory distress (SMARD) in Michigan. Doctors informed his parents that he wouldn’t survive past the age of two. SMARD is a rare disease that causes muscle weakness, paralysis, and respiratory failure. The life expectancy for individuals with this condition is less than 13 months.

Despite the odds against him, Austin surpassed the predicted two-year timeline. Since going into respiratory failure in 2003, he has been reliant on a ventilator and a wheelchair. But rather than viewing it as a setback, Austin sees his condition as a source of inspiration. On his company’s website, Live Intrepid, he explains, “It’s the biggest blessing possible. It’s given me a life and a perspective I could have never imagined.”

Austin’s clothing company, Live Intrepid, is a reflection of his philosophy to live fearlessly and adventurously. He believes that life is too short to be afraid and encourages others to embrace every opportunity. The company also aims to raise awareness and funds for SMARD. With only an estimated 100 people worldwide impacted by this rare disease, Austin’s mission is crucial.

Throughout his journey, Austin has traveled to 38 states, chasing his dreams with his closest friends, and he has touched the lives of thousands of people. He writes, “I’ve met thousands and thousands of amazing people and hopefully changed a life or two.”

But Austin’s impact doesn’t stop there. In 2021, he met Muckala, a single mom caring for her three-month-old daughter Hazel. Muckala made the first move after seeing Austin’s image and story on social media. They quickly became inseparable and, after seven months of dating, Muckala and Hazel moved in with Austin. On August 19, 2023, they exchanged vows, just in time for the arrival of their twins, Penelope and Poppy, born on September 23.

Austin’s older brother, Jason, shared a TikTok video of the joyous wedding day. In the video, Austin dances in his wheelchair with their mom, defying the notion that everything in his life would be impossible. While many viewers were touched by the heartwarming moment, others unleashed hateful comments directed at Muckala, suggesting she married Austin for his money or disability benefits.

Refusing to let the negativity affect them, Austin and Muckala have stood strong, showcasing their love and happiness as proud parents to their beautiful children. They have shared numerous photos and clips, offering glimpses into their lives as dedicated and loving parents.

Despite the challenges he has faced, Austin remains an inspiration and symbol of resilience. We congratulate Austin and his family on their new additions and are confident that he will continue to inspire people worldwide with his determination to make the most of life.

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