Angelina Jolie has made headlines recently for allegedly planning to leave her entire fortune to her eldest son, Maddox. This decision has sparked controversy and raised concerns about the treatment of her other five children. Let’s delve deeper into the details of this inheritance plan and the reasons behind it.

Maddox: The “Golden Child”

Jolie’s decision to leave her wealth exclusively to Maddox comes as a token of appreciation for his support during her divorce from Brad Pitt. According to insiders, Jolie felt disappointed that only one out of her six children stood by her side during this challenging time. As a result, she sees Maddox as her “Golden Child” and wants to reward him for his loyalty.

Brad Pitt’s Discontent

Unsurprisingly, Brad Pitt is reportedly upset about Jolie’s decision to exclude their other children, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, and the 10-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne. He believes that they are being treated unfairly and that Maddox should not be the sole recipient of Jolie’s wealth. Pitt thinks it is important to remind Jolie of their other five children’s significance in her life, even if Maddox played a significant role during the divorce proceedings.

Divorce and Custody Battles

The divorce between Jolie and Pitt, which took place in September 2016, was marked by intense scrutiny and custody battles. Jolie cited dissatisfaction with Pitt’s parenting approach as one of the reasons for their separation. The events surrounding their divorce led to allegations of assault against Maddox by Pitt, although no charges were filed after an investigation by the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services.

A Contentious Future

If these allegations regarding Jolie’s inheritance plans hold true, it is likely that the discussion around the well-being of their children will continue to be a point of contention between Pitt and Jolie. The unequal treatment of their children in terms of inheritance can lead to ongoing disagreements and disputes in the years to come.

Overall, Jolie’s decision to leave her fortune exclusively to Maddox has sparked controversy and created tension within the Jolie/Pitt family. While Jolie appreciates Maddox’s support, Pitt feels that their other children deserve equal consideration. Only time will tell how this contentious issue will unfold among the Hollywood power couple.