A Night Out

It was a beautiful evening, and my husband and I were excitedly getting ready for a night of dinner and theater. Since we had experienced a burglary before, we took precautions by turning on a ‘night light’ and making sure our beloved cat was safely in the backyard.

A Curious Cat

Just as our Uber arrived, our curious and slightly plump cat managed to slip between our legs and dart back inside the house. Knowing how he liked to chase our parakeet, we couldn’t leave them unsupervised. So, my husband rushed back inside to retrieve the mischievous feline and guide her back to the backyard.

A White Lie

Wanting to ensure the Uber driver didn’t realize our house would be unoccupied, I politely told him that my husband would join us shortly, as he was bidding farewell to my mother. We didn’t want to give away our evening plans, after all.

A Comical Encounter

After a few minutes, my husband emerged from the house, slightly flustered and perspiring. Unbeknownst to me at the time, hilarity ensued during his mission to coax our cat out from her hiding spot. As the Uber pulled away, my husband shared, to my astonishment and silent amusement, “Apologies for the delay. That silly cat decided to hide under the bed, and I had to resort to coaxing her out with a coat hanger. She tried to escape, but I managed to grab her by the neck and wrap her up in a blanket, so she wouldn’t scratch me like last time. Finally, I carried her downstairs and tossed her into the backyard… Hopefully, she won’t use the vegetable garden as her litter box again.”

Awkward Silence

As the Uber continued on our journey, an uncomfortable silence filled the air. The driver had unknowingly become a witness to our cat misadventure, leaving all of us at a loss for words.