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Surely it’s a man out of time?

Facebook investigators have discovered an odd-looking man in a black-and-white 1940s shot, where he appears to be using a device far too high-tech for the era.

According to the Sun, the mystery begins in 1943 in Reykjavik, Iceland, where the strange character is observed around stationed US soldiers during World War II.

But he’s not dressed in army uniforms. Instead, he stands out by wearing a light-colored trench coat and keeping his hand close to his ear, as if he was using a cellphone.

Social media users didn’t take long to weigh in, insisting that the man must be a time traveler.

The photo, which was first posted on the Icelandic Facebook group Gamlar ljósmyndir by user Kristjan Hoffmann in 2016, was captioned: “One thing that draws attention to this beautiful picture is that above the window, in the corner in the middle of the picture, a man is leaning and is on a cellphone,” according to the outlet.

“I’m at a loss for words; I don’t think he’s just talking on the phone… He’s dazed, standing alone, wearing a different headgear than the others, a scarf, and acting like we would today,” Hoffmann remarked.

Another user, Karolina Petursdottir, compared herself to “Dr. Who,” according to the Mirror.

The image made its way beyond the niche antique photo club and into a conspiracy theory film on YouTube titled “10 REAL Cases of Time Travel That Cannot Be Explained.”

Surprisingly, none of the people involved raised the hypothesis that the man was a spy for the Axis forces.

Instead, individuals in the Facebook community with more rational viewpoints claimed he was only checking to see if his watch was operating.

Others claimed he was simply smoking a pipe and scratching his ear while the shot was being taken.