Once there was a woman, quite ill and bedridden, who called her husband to her side. With a frail voice and a touch of drama, she asked, “Honey, if I die, how long would it take you before you marry another wife?”
Now, our husband, possibly sensing a loaded question, answered with all the romance he could muster, “Till your grave becomes dry, my love.”
With a glimmer of hope in her eyes, she pressed further, “Are you promising me this?” And he, with the solemnity of a knight, replied, “Of course darling, I promise you.”
As the curtains closed on her life, the husband stayed true to his word. He visited his late wife’s grave every day for an entire year. No rain, drizzle, or drought kept him away. But strangely enough, the grave remained perpetually wet.
Then came a fateful evening like any other. Upon arriving at the graveyard, he stumbled upon a familiar face—his wife’s brother, Jason. Curious and a bit confused, he asked, “Jason, what are you doing here?”
Jason, with a twinkle in his eye and a smirk that could rival the Cheshire Cat, replied, “I’m fulfilling the wish of my only sister. She asked me to come here every day and water her grave.”
And thus, the saga of devotion, promises, and a sister’s ultimate prank came to a hilarious yet poignant close. The woman, even in death, had a sense of humor that kept her husband’s promise alive—and her brother in on the joke. It’s a tale that leaves you with a chuckle and a sigh, pondering the lengths one might go for love, loyalty, and a good laugh.