Once abandoned by his wealthy mother, a young farmer found himself face to face with her after ten long years. Little did she know, he had a surprise in store for her that would teach her a valuable lesson.

At the age of 20, Redditor just_a_farmer_’s painful memories of his parents’ divorce were still fresh. His mother had left him and his siblings, and he had to bear the weight of their absence. So, when she approached him for financial help, he knew exactly how to respond.

In a subreddit called “Entitled Parents,” the Reddit community couldn’t stop applauding and upvoting the incredible “payback” that unfolded. But before sharing the details, the original poster provided some background on his parents’ separation.

The Heartbreaking Split

When the man’s mother dropped the bombshell that his two younger siblings were not his father’s children, everything changed. She had been cheating on his dad and left the family in search of a wealthier man who could provide the luxurious life she desired.

His father, a hardworking farmer trying to keep the family together, fought for custody in court. Ultimately, the mother refused to take custody of her husband’s son, leaving him to be sidelined. Little did she know that ten years later, her perspective would shift due to financial need.

Their Unexpected Reunion

One morning, as the young man was attending to his cattle, his father rushed into the feedlot with an urgent message. Without saying who it was, his father’s angry expression was enough for him to understand that someone important was waiting to meet him.

Approaching the scene, he noticed a brand-new Porsche parked nearby. Upon closer inspection, he saw his long-lost mother in the driver’s seat. Unsure of her intentions, he greeted her politely, but she responded with a disgusted look.

With a smirk, she belittled him for his work clothes, calling him an embarrassment. She wasted no time getting to the point and told him she wanted him to give up his inheritance from his late grandfather. According to her, it was only fair that his sister benefited from it, as she was graduating that year.

Refusing to bow down to his mother’s demands, he questioned why he should help his sister. She argued that he had the responsibility of providing for her fun expenses, so she wouldn’t have to work petty jobs. However, he firmly believed that it was his mother’s duty to support her daughter instead of relying on him.

As the conversation grew heated, his mother appealed to his brotherly love and asked if he wouldn’t do “this much” for his sibling. In response, he apologized, acknowledging that his mother deserved the money. He quickly excused himself, pretending to fetch his checkbook from his truck.

Returning with a smile, he stood before her and asked her to hold out her hand. Confused, she watched in awe as he dropped a handful of pennies into her palm. He had collected them from the cupholder in his truck just moments before.

Dumbfounded, his mother asked, “What’s this?” He replied, stating that he had given her the “little bit” she had asked for. Enraged, she threw the pennies at him and screamed in fury before speeding away, leaving her son and their father embarrassed yet satisfied.

Deserving What She Got

The story didn’t end there. One fine day, as the man worked happily on a tractor in his shop, he received an unexpected visitor. To his surprise, it was his mother’s new husband seeking to talk to him.

It turned out that he had finally realized the truth about her manipulative behavior and excessive spending. The breaking point came when she relentlessly insisted on going to London, a place she was obsessed with. After pretending to agree, he surprised her with divorce papers instead of airplane tickets.

In retaliation, the woman shouted and left to stay with a cousin, threatening legal action without realizing she had signed a prenuptial agreement. The husband felt compelled to inform the Reddit poster of the situation and warned him about potential monetary requests from his mother, as she had been cut off financially. He also mentioned that the car she drove to visit her son had been taken back to the dealership.

While the son pondered the idea of confronting his half-sister at her workplace, he ultimately decided against it. Instead, he returned to his work and hoped that this would be the last update he would receive about his estranged family.

Those who read his story on Reddit were in awe of his resilience. They praised him for standing up for himself and believed that karma had been served. One Reddit user commented, “You have one hell of a family… I’m glad your mother’s husband broke free!”

Without a doubt, this young farmer taught his mother a valuable lesson. And in the end, he showed that sometimes, karma has a way of evening the scales.

If you enjoyed this story, check out another true tale about children demanding their disabled father’s inheritance, even after skipping his funeral.