God, you have made this day, and I will rejoice and be glad in it. I am grateful to you for extending my life for another day. I thank you with appreciation for your ultimate gift of love for me, in the shape of your son and his sacrifice of his life on my behalf.

I humbly bow to you because of this enormous gift that I frequently fail to comprehend. I understand, Lord, that I am a mere human and cannot instruct you, but you, Lord, can. So teach me your methods so that I can trust in your goodness. Teach us to count our days and make good use of our time.

I’m not sure what this day holds, but I know you hold it. Because you laid the Earth’s foundations, you understand all about it. I know you maintain the sun in the sky and the stars in place, and you created this Earth for me to live on and enjoy.

May I be acutely aware of your presence in everything I do today, as I commute to work, drop children off at school, clean the house, and converse with my neighbors.May my life be a living example for people to see Christ in. There are many people in this world who are in pain; may I be a salve to someone today, Lord, in ways I can’t even understand. May my words be seasoned with salt and provide grace to all who hear them. May my behaviors reflect your Word.

I pray for wisdom that is peaceful, gentle, and accessible, with plenty of mercy and justice. Because you stated that an infinite quantity of wisdom is available to me if I only ask, I pray for wisdom to know how to deal with the various people and situations that will cross my life.

I pray for protection throughout the day; keep me safe from harm and evil; and go ahead of me, to my left and right, and behind me. Order my steps today so that I walk worthy of your calling. That I may be sensitive to your promptings, whether they appear as a gentle tug or a firm conviction.

I pray for peace in families, nations, and for you. I pray that everyone may come to know you and return to You.

Lord, you know my weaknesses and shortcomings; pardon me for being harsh with my words and thoughts; forgive me for being self-serving; forgive me for clinging to past wounds rather than letting them heal. Please forgive me, Lord.

Help me to run to your Word when I feel overwhelmed, puzzled, unsure, or restless. May your Word come to life in me and serve as a living guide in every scenario. Help me, Lord, to remember the promises of the Word and to recall the appropriate text for the occasion. I recognize, Lord, that I need to spend more time with you reading and praying so that I am ready for whatever the day may bring. Lord, I know your Word is a light for my feet and a light for my way.

Get rid of your worry and fear. You have not given us a fearful spirit, but one of love, power, and a sound mind. So, when we are afraid, may we remember your love for us and use that love as an urge to love others and view things differently; may we tap into the power that you have given us – because we are never alone since you have not abandoned us in our misery. May your wisdom be the underpinnings for our sound minds.

May we remember that we don’t have to be nervous, and may we, when tempted to be anxious or worried, express our concerns to you and then leave them there, as you directed.

Our concern serves no purpose and limits us, and you accomplish more with it than we ever could. So please enable us to fully turn over all of our nervous thoughts and nerve-racking situations to you, and to believe that you are working.

That you are bringing everything together for our good because you love us; that you are working in ways we cannot grasp because your methods are superior than ours. And that in this process, you are constantly shaping us into masterpieces appropriate for your use. You are strengthening our faith and capacity to love.