A man named Stefan Shaw and his ex-girlfriend Chelby were finally prepared to start a family. Like any other couple, they were eager to hold their newborn in their arms. Sadly, during Chelby’s 20th week of pregnancy, something terrible was discovered during her scans.

The infant lacked kidneys and the amniotic fluid had disappeared. When they realized they wouldn’t be able to see their child enter this world alive, Stefan and Chelby’s hearts were crushed.

Joseph, their miraculous child, was delivered via C-section seven weeks ahead of schedule beyond all odds.

Not only did Joseph lack kidneys, but he also lacked legs and genitalia. He was still breathing despite everything. He looked like a mermaid since his legs were fused together.

Stefan continued, “When I got to the hospital, they said Joseph was like a fish from the waist down.”

“I had never before seen a baby quite like my child. He was an extraordinary, gorgeous infant boy who resembled a mermaid.”

Stefan and Chelby prepared for their infant to be baptized at the Royal Derby Hospital because they wanted to give him “the nicest send-off imaginable” even though they knew he wouldn’t live.

Joseph needed oxygen pumps to keep him alive during the ceremony.

After physicians withdrew the tube, Stefan, who is currently homeless, detailed how his kid quietly passed away in his arms.

“It was really painful and extremely tough to let go of something that meant the world to you,” the grieving parent said.

May you find peace, Joseph.