Mom told to abort baby, she doesn’t listen – 2 years later, she mails doctor a letter

Being a mother is a special bond that cannot be easily described. When faced with a difficult decision about her pregnancy, one young woman knew in her heart what she had to do. Let’s dive into this incredible story that proves a mother’s love knows no bounds.

Every expectant mother hopes for a smooth pregnancy and a healthy baby. This young woman, during her visits to the doctor, received news that would not deter her from her love for her unborn child. Her baby was diagnosed with Down syndrome, and the doctors predictably advised her to terminate the pregnancy. However, she made the courageous decision to carry her baby to term and years later, she decided to write a heartfelt letter to her doctor to share her experience as a mother to a child with Down syndrome.

Mothers always strive to do what is best for their children. Courtney Williams Baker is the proud mother of Emersyn, a beautiful child with Down syndrome. During her routine prenatal visits, doctors informed Courtney and her husband that their child had Down syndrome. Despite the doctor’s recommendation to terminate the pregnancy, they stood firm in their decision to give their baby a chance at life.

Two years later, in 2016, Emersyn’s mother decided to write a letter to their pediatrician. In the letter, she shared a story of a friend who had a similar pregnancy experience. This friend’s prenatal specialist always commented, “He’s perfect,” during her sonograms. When her son with Down syndrome was born, the same doctor looked at him and reaffirmed, “I told you. He’s perfect.” This story deeply touched Courtney’s heart. She felt a mix of gratitude for her friend’s experience and sadness for what she personally missed out on.

“I wish you would have been that doctor,” she wrote. “I came to you during the most difficult time in my life, terrified, anxious, and in despair. I needed the truth about my baby, and that’s what I desperately needed from you. Instead, you suggested that we terminate our child. I told you her name, and you asked us again if we understood the challenges of raising a child with Down syndrome. You suggested we reconsider our decision to continue the pregnancy.”

Courtney expressed how much this affected her, as it made her dread her doctor’s appointments from that point on. “From that first visit, we dreaded our appointments. The most difficult time in my life became nearly unbearable because you never told me the truth. My child was perfect.”

But it was Emersyn who brought a new meaning to Courtney’s life. She shared, “You see, Emersyn has not only added to our quality of life, but she’s also touched the hearts of thousands. She’s given us purpose, joy that words can’t describe, and an overflowing abundance of love. She has shown us true beauty and pure love.”

This heartwarming letter is a testament to the love a mother has for her child, no matter the circumstances. Share this inspiring story with your loved ones to celebrate the unconditional love that exists within families.

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