In this age of social media, sometimes a simple video can touch millions of hearts. A 30-second clip capturing a deeply emotional moment has already reached almost 10 million viewers. Tara Thomas, the woman at the center of the story, never imagined that her experience would resonate with so many people.

Shawn Thomas, a brave soldier in the Army, was given a hero’s welcome home. As his coffin arrived at the airport, his wife Tara stood there waiting to say her final goodbye. Overwhelmed with sorrow, she reached out and touched the flag draped over Shawn’s casket, and the floodgates of emotions burst open. Lisa West Williams, a passenger on the plane, captured this heart-wrenching scene on her phone and shared it on Facebook, expressing her gratitude for flying home with a patriot.

It wasn’t just Lisa who was moved by the sight. Many fellow passengers on the plane shed tears watching Tara’s raw grief over her husband’s loss. It’s understandable that some may hesitate to watch such a private moment, but Tara herself has given her blessing to share her experience. She believes it’s important for every American to see the video, to learn about Shawn’s life, and to recognize the sacrifices made by brave soldiers who give their lives defending our freedom.

Shawn Thomas was a dedicated Green Beret who loved serving his country. Throughout his military career, he had been deployed a total of 8 times. Tragically, Shawn lost his life in a car accident. His exceptional service to the nation was recognized with two Bronze Stars and four Good Conduct Medals. Today, Shawn’s family, including his wife Tara and their four children, Cheyenne, Gavin, Taylor, and Natylyn, are grateful for the support they have received from the military community back home. You can watch the gut-wrenching moment when Tara approaches Shawn’s coffin in the video below:

The love and dedication shown by army spouses like Tara and the sacrifices made by brave soldiers like Shawn deserve to be celebrated. If you know anyone who would appreciate this emotional story, make sure to share it with them. Let’s honor the unsung heroes who serve our country selflessly.