It is a story that deeply touches the heart, a story that illustrates the devastating consequences of a dangerous trend called chroming. In Australia, on a TV show called A Current Affair, Andrea and Paul Haynes shared their heartbreaking story of having to make the unimaginable decision to turn off life support for their beloved 13-year-old daughter, Esra.

Esra was a vibrant, determined, and talented young girl. She excelled in sports and captained her team at the Montrose Football Netball Club. She was a BMX bike racer and even led her team to a national aerobics championship. But tragedy struck during a sleepover with friends on March 31.

Little did anyone know that a seemingly innocent act of sniffing aerosol deodorant would have such devastating consequences. Esra’s heart stopped, causing severe brain damage that was beyond repair. Her parents, who always knew where she was and who she was with, received the devastating phone call that every parent dreads – “Come and get your daughter.”

Esra’s friends initially mistook her symptoms for a panic attack, unaware that her body was shutting down due to cardiac arrest. When her mother arrived at the scene, paramedics were desperately trying to revive her. It was a shocking and heartbreaking moment for the whole family.

Esra fought for eight agonizing days on life support, but her brain damage was irreversible. Her parents had to make the unimaginable decision to let her go. Surrounded by loved ones, they said their final goodbyes, cuddling their precious daughter until the end. Esra passed away in early April, leaving her family and community shattered.

Chroming, a dangerous trend that involves inhaling harmful chemicals to get high, is a deadly menace that not many are aware of. Esra’s parents, determined to prevent others from suffering the same fate, are now on a mission to raise awareness about this lethal practice.

Chroming often involves using everyday products such as deodorant, paint, hairspray, or even permanent markers. It has gained popularity among teenagers seeking a quick but risky high. Unfortunately, it can lead to serious health problems such as seizures, heart attacks, suffocation, sudden sniffing death, coma, and organ failure.

In an interview, Esra’s father expressed the regret of not knowing about chroming while she was alive. He emphasized the importance of parents talking directly to their children about the dangers they may encounter, rather than relying solely on friends or social media.

Paul and Andrea Haynes are determined to educate parents and save lives. They believe that by spreading awareness, they can empower parents to have open conversations with their children about the risks of chroming. Their hope is to prevent other families from experiencing the unimaginable pain they have endured.

We cannot fathom the immense sorrow and grief the Haynes family is going through. Our hearts go out to them and to all the loved ones Esra left behind. Let us share this story and help parents protect their children by spreading awareness of this fatal trend. Together, we can make a difference and save lives.