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A Devastating Loss

It was a heart-wrenching moment when Andrea and Paul Haynes made the unimaginable decision to let go of their beloved daughter, Esra. At just 13 years old, Esra’s life was tragically cut short due to a dangerous social media trend called chroming.

As Ally Langdon of Australia’s A Current Affair sat down with the grieving parents, their pain and anguish were evident. Langdon, a mother herself, struggled to contain her emotions as she heard Esra’s story.

A Life Full of Promise

Esra was not just any teenager. She was a talented athlete, co-captaining the Montrose Football Netball Club and racing BMX bikes with her siblings. In fact, she even helped her team win a national aerobics competition in Queensland. Described as determined, fun, cheeky, and talented by her teammates, Esra had a bright future ahead of her.

The Tragic Night

On March 31, Esra went to a friend’s house for a sleepover, unaware of the devastating consequences that awaited her. High on a substance that could have been lethal, she inhaled an aerosol deodorant can, which caused irreversible brain damage and cardiac collapse. Her parents, Andrea and Paul, recounted the heartbreaking moment they received the call that no parent ever wants to receive.

“It was just a regular routine of going to hang out with her mates,” her mother, Andrea, shared with Langdon. “We always knew where she was and who she was with,” her father, Paul, added. Little did they know that this seemingly normal night would turn into their worst nightmare.

A Call for Help

As Esra’s body started to shut down, her friends at the sleepover mistook her symptoms for a panic attack. It was only when Andrea arrived at the scene that she learned the devastating truth. Paramedics informed her that her daughter had been chroming, a dangerous act of inhaling harmful chemicals. Despite their efforts to resuscitate Esra, her brain injury was beyond repair.

A Heartbreaking Decision

For eight agonizing days, Esra’s parents held onto hope that their precious daughter would recover. But the reality was grim. With her brain irreversibly damaged, Andrea and Paul had to make the excruciating decision to let go. They turned off the machines keeping Esra alive, saying their final goodbyes to their young soul.

A Mission to Save Lives

In the midst of their pain, Andrea and Paul are determined to raise awareness about chroming, a dangerous viral trend that claims lives. They had never heard of chroming until it tragically took their daughter away. This fad, which involves inhaling common household products like deodorant, paint, hairspray, or permanent markers, can have fatal consequences.

“We need to step it up and give these kids the information directly,” Paul emphasized. He urges parents to have open and honest conversations with their children, providing them with the knowledge and tools to make safe choices.

A Plea for Change

The Haynes family’s loss is immeasurable, but their hope is to prevent other families from experiencing the same pain. They want to spare others from the images that haunt their minds and the deep ache in their hearts. Together, let’s spread awareness about chroming and protect our children from its deadly grip.

Our deepest condolences go out to the Haynes family and all those who have lost cherished loved ones to this devastating trend. Let’s come together as a community and make a difference.