In a recent incident at Monroe High School in New Jersey, a high school football game became the stage for protests and counter-protests. Four players on one team decided to take a knee during the national anthem, a gesture that has been associated with drawing attention to social justice issues. However, this was not the first instance of such protests.

Ernie Lunardelli, one of the referees assigned to officiate the game, made a premeditated decision. If the players engaged in a protest during the anthem, he would stage his own protest by walking away from the game. As the players knelt in protest, Lunardelli followed through on his decision, leaving the football field.

Lunardelli emphasized that his protest was not against the players’ right to protest or against the message they were trying to convey. Instead, he had an issue with any form of disrespect towards the country, flag, and armed forces. His intention was to counter the players’ kneeling, which has been a symbolic act that has sparked controversy in the context of sports events.

Colts Neck Coach Darian Barnes had a different perspective. He claimed that Lunardelli did not leave the field peacefully but had to be pulled off. Lunardelli refuted this claim, stating that he walked off after being irked by a comment made by one of the coaches.

To add fuel to the fire, racist comments on social media allegedly made by Lunardelli surfaced after the incident. The comments reportedly suggested that Barack and Michelle Obama should go “back to the zoo.” Lunardelli denied making these comments, attributing them to hacking. Despite his denial, these comments further fueled the debate surrounding the referee’s actions.

Both referees involved in the incident, Ernie Lunardelli and his son Anthony Lunardelli, who was also officiating the game, resigned from their positions following the controversy. The incident raises several questions and sparks a contentious debate. One key question revolves around Ernie Lunardelli’s claim that he was hacked and did not make the racist comments. Another question involves the appropriateness of Lunardelli’s decision to protest the football players’ kneeling during the national anthem by refusing to officiate the game.

This incident highlights the complexities and challenges faced in navigating the intertwining of sports, protests, and social issues. It also brings attention to broader societal discussions around freedom of expression, racial tensions, and the role of individuals in positions of authority in addressing these issues.