Did you know that someone in California managed to obtain a personalized license plate with a secret message? It’s true! This driver’s license plate, when reflected in a mirror, spells out an illegal phrase. Quite a clever move, but definitely not allowed according to the California Department of Motor Vehicles.

In California, personalized license plates are a way to stand out on the road. You can create your own combination of letters, numbers, and characters, making your license plate unique. However, there are certain rules to follow. The DMV explicitly states that personalized plates cannot be offensive, slang words in any language, or resemble existing license plates. But it seems this driver found a way to bend the rules.

If personalized plates aren’t your thing, California also offers a variety of other special plates. There are historical plates for those with a passion for vintage vehicles, military plates to honor our brave servicemen and women, and special interest plates that support various initiatives and programs across the state.

These special interest plates are not only a way to show your support but also help fund important causes. From agriculture to coastal preservation, firemen to pets, child health, safety, and more, they cover a wide range of interests. By choosing one of these plates, you can make a statement while contributing to something meaningful.

It’s fascinating to learn about the history of license plates too. Did you know that New York issued the first license plate in 1901? Back then, the law required owners to place their initials conspicuously on the back of the plate, with each letter at least three inches in height. Times have certainly changed!

Now, getting back to that mysterious license plate in California, we may never know the full story behind it. But one thing’s for sure, it has certainly turned heads and sparked a lot of conversation online. So, keep your eyes peeled on the road, you never know what you might come across!