This baby’s survival was a real miracle and “an act of God.”

Three adolescent girls were strolling in the woods near their house in Forsyth County when they heard unusual noises. They weren’t sure what animal was creating those strange sounds that sounded like a newborn sobbing.

Then they stared at each other as if they were wondering if there was any chance of a baby being there in the middle of the woods. Despite how bizarre that sounded, they decided to call their father for assistance. And that turned out to be the best decision they could have made.

When their father, Alan Ragatz, arrived, he was taken aback by what he saw. He discovered a small infant in a plastic bag with its umbilical cord still attached.

The baby girl was only a few hours old, and she would not have survived if it hadn’t been for Alan and his girls.

Kayla, one of Alan’s daughters, recalled that faithful day, saying, “We grabbed our flashlights and we’re driving around and we’re, like, ‘That doesn’t sound like an animal.’”

When they told Alan they thought they heard infant cries, he said, “That’s got to be impossible.” It’s a newborn raccoon, deer, or whatever.”

But his daughters were correct, and thank goodness they responded promptly, saving the tiny baby’s life.

“We went down and pulled it back up.” We contacted 911 because there was a pitiful tiny baby wrapped in a plastic bag,” Alan continued. “She was still alive. We believed the fact that she was crying was a good indication. It could have been far worse. My girls deserve the praise. They were the ones who persisted.”

Authorities were notified, and the infant was brought to a safe location where she received the necessary assistance and treatment.

This infant was found due to divine intervention without a doubt. We would be having a different conversation if it weren’t for these citizens,” Sheriff Ron Freeman stated, thanking the Ragatz family for their efforts.

The survival of the baby, whom they named India, was a true miracle and “an act of God” because, despite the way she was thrown by her mother, she suffered no damage.

India’s story went viral, and many people wanted to adopt her. In reality, over a thousand people were willing to provide her with the home that her original parents did not provide. “We’ve had literally thousands of people across the country and other parts of North America come forward wanting to adopt Baby India,” says Tom Rawlings, director of the state Division of Family & Children Services.

Fortunately, Princess India is doing well and can’t wait to meet her new mommy and daddy. “She’s getting bigger and happier. She’s an easy baby who enjoys being held and singing to, and she’s doing well now,” Rawlings continued.

As of today, the entire country is extending its love and best wishes to the tiny girl who refused to give up fighting for her life and did everything she could to make her pleas for aid heard.

We only wish the best to baby India in the future.