We learn at a young age to appreciate and respect our military troops and for good cause. After all, it is the serving men and women who make such significant sacrifices to ensure our freedom. As an adult, I am well aware of this, and whenever the opportunity arises, I stand alongside our military.

Having said that, when I was younger, I did occasionally struggle to grasp the concept. Yes, I was aware of the military’s valiant efforts to keep us secure, but I was unaware of the fundamental value of appreciation.

Jace Vega, 6, most emphatically does. The first-grader was caught saluting military soldiers at San Antonio International Airport, and a photo of him has since gone viral.

Fox San Antonio increased awareness about Jace on its Facebook page on Sunday. As of this writing, Jace’s photo had approximately 3,000 likes and 1,900 shares.

When asked why he had saluted, Jace simply said, “Because they fight for our country.”

Ace and his family were waiting at the airport for his father, who had returned from a vacation to Colorado Springs. At that point, the first-grader spotted the military personnel and took the unilateral decision to salute them.

“Why don’t you tell them [the station] what you told me that maybe you want to be a soldier someday, right?” Joe Vega asked his son.

Joe was proud of his young son and stated that the salute may have opened doors for him in the future.

“A few businesses have contacted us, and some other people have just contacted my wife,” he explained. “His photograph will be displayed in a Florida airport. A few experienced local businesses who create shirts that are owned and operated locally will collaborate with him to produce a few shirts.”

Jace, you should be applauded for your patriotic attitude and support for those that deserve it.

Please share this story if you believe that young Jace deserves some attention.